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I Am Discovering Unrapidly

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  • I Am Discovering Unrapidly

    I am playing warlord.

    It seems like before the patch I could always beat out the computers in tech, but after the patch it takes FOREVER for my tech to 'get going'. For instance in my current game it is 170 AD and I have just discovered monarchy. And meanwhile the computers ll have 4 more techs than I do.

    1) Did the patch drastically change tech advancement?
    2) How can I get better tech discovery early on?

  • #2
    Picking expansionist will make this a lot easier, unless you choose option number 2, then its just alittle easier.

    1)exploit goodie huts and contact with the others quickly. The game is set up so that if you arent in the tech trading early game you will get left behind because the ai doesnt play so that it will win, it plays so that you will lose, and to that end they all share tech with each other no matter how valuable it is at that point.
    Also they have unsinkable galleys so you can count on them being able to find each other.

    2)If you arent in the tech loop start building your army very soon, your going to have to conquer and demand techs from one of the traders.


    • #3
      oh and yes the patch did change it, techs cost more and take longer to research, 40 turn cap as opposed to 32 turn cap.


      • #4
        Also some techs from ind. & modern are more expensive.

        You should look at forum.
        There is one thread about detail changes in 1.16 patch (tech cost, some buildings more expensive, etc...).


        • #5
          Also with the patch, you cant take over size one cities size population 1. U end up destroying them unless they have undergone a cultural expansion.


          • #6
            Re: I Am Discovering Unrapidly

            Originally posted by Obese Monkfish 2) How can I get better tech discovery early on?
            It also depends on your map and play selections:

            If you're on a large map and many opposing civs, then trading/selling/buying is the way to acquire tech.

            If you're on a large map with few opposing civs, then you'll be dependent upon exploitation of goody huts.

            On a small map, you're likely to find another civ fairly quickly, so once again, trading/buying/selling.

            To develop on your own, build lots of roads and choose a scientific-oriented civ to build libraries early (helps with culture, too). Give the Persians a try with this approach.


            • #7
              Make a beeline for Literature and build the Great Library. By starting building Pyramids and then switching to Great Library when you discover Literature, you have a much better chance of getting it. Then you'll be quickly back in the tech race.

