Greetings! Just wanted some input on a strategy I had just tried, new to me. Please remember I am a rook and play warlord and have only won 2 of 4 games. I was getting slaughtered, again, usual poor starting position and poor play, enemies all around ridiculous battle outcomes i.e. spearman in red beating three elite horsemen, you know, the usual, I was falling behind farther in tech also. Had nothing to loose and turned labs to zero, happines down at 20%, started RAKING in the cash. After several turns started buying techs, especially from those getting beaten in the various wars, which I was trying to stay out of. Losers are anxious for cash and more eager to get the $ and give up techs easier. After a while was actually even in tech and turned my labs way up, could afford to lose $ per turn now, and lo and behold I was ahead in techs, I was cranking out infantry and artillery to musket and cannon. I was also finally getting the wonders built now and had only had one, great wall, 3K years earlier! Anyway, long boring post, sure Vel has written something on it in the 300 pages of notes (of 150 I've printed!)
Just wanted to rant on that something I tried actually turned out okay! I got out of the "pathetic and foolish" range!! Thanks for listening!
Well, how bad am I???
Just wanted to rant on that something I tried actually turned out okay! I got out of the "pathetic and foolish" range!! Thanks for listening!
