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What's the deal with gangbanging?

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  • What's the deal with gangbanging?

    Played the Babylonians on Reagent. I had successful trading histories with the persians, germans and zulu until I get literature and start building GL. Suddenly, with no provocation on my part they all gang up. They don't have literature, but they have swarms of horsemen. Everything gets pillaged. Though I don't have horses, I build up an army of archers and beat the hell out of them by defending cities and ambushing crippled units. But it doesn't matter how many I kill, they just keep coming and coming and coming. They seem to build nothing else, so I build nothing but archers. I could have fought off one of them, but not all three. When my golden age ends, I go bankrupt because I cannot support a foot army to repel 25+ more horsemen after the two dozen I kill. You have to be everywhere. What's the deal with this gang-up-on-the-human script? I'm far away from all of them, but their highest priority is to come over and swarm all over the f*ing place? What's the point of coming so far? Do they ever build a goddamn place to worship god? The small, undeveloped cities they do take, don't do them any good because of corruption, but they won't quit. They come over from half the world away, smash against my cities, get beaten bloody, and do it again and again and keep coming and never leave. It's illogical, biased, pointless, and it really screws up the game.

  • #2
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    • #3
      I just wanted to let you know that the AI treats the human player like all the other AI players and will happily gang up on one AI civ. They usually attack like this if the civ they are attacking is weak militarily and if they are aggressive. I don't know the exact numbers, but all three of those civs are aggressive, especially the zulus. The other civs also will usually be more apt to attack if they have run out of room to expand. If there are any other civs you can get to help you, make MPP with them and make peace with the civs attacking if you can contact them. I won't disagree that sometimes the AI starts stupid (or at least strange) wars.

      Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


      • #4
        Well first thing, you're stuck surrounded by warmongering Civs. The AI (as far as I've seen at least) is pretty good at playing up to each civ's strengths. Second, it's pretty well been agreed upon on the Apol that the AI loves to gang up on weaker civs. Once one AI smells blood, it's sharks to the frenzy. If the surrounding AI has a seemingly endless supply of units, it's pretty obvious that they have more units and are considered more powerful. (check the histgraph to check this assumption, I'm at work and can't upload your save). Especially in the early game, power is mostly a factor on unit count, as things haven't developed enough yet to include other factors.


        • #5
          Actually, I don't think that Civ3 factor technology into the power calculations. Can anyone confirm this thought?

          I've had games where I have a whole slew of tanks and battleships, while the AI civs have only frigates and cavalry and a whole bunch of obsolete units, yet, I'm considered weaker by the power graph and also the military advisor. Is technology factored into power? Does the AI facot technology into its calculations for who to be aggressive towards?


          • #6
            I had twelve Modern Armor and one Mech. Infantry per city in my first game ever played (on Chieftain). The AI, being so behind, had pikemen and longbows. I was 'weak' militarily by comparison. Riiiiiiiiight.


            • #7
              1. You're on the small size. They'll come for you if you aren't big enough. Did they just declare war on you, or is the save file near the end? By 200bc you should have 10 plus cities and at least 20 military units.

              2. It does not look as if you traded with all your neibours. I have not confirmed this from design notes, but anyhow, it seems that if you trade with them frequently they will not declare war on you. What I can say is that I trade with all possible AI civs every 5 turns or so. I have yet to be declared war on by AI unless I started it (playing on Monarch and Emperor). At minimum I will sell my maps. *What'll ya give me for this?*, *1 gold*, *OK, thanks*. Actually, in the beginning they will pay a considerable amount for your maps. I think they leave you alone because you are being cooperative.

              3. If I am weak I will accept AI ultimatums. Avoids war before you are ready. Revenge is for empires that are capable of winning.

              4. Your treasury is being pillaged by science research. The AI has tech that you do not have. Why not buy from one and sell to many? Again it keeps the AI positively disposed towards you and less likely to attack because you are a source of needed commodities (gold and tech).

              5. You are not Roman. How can the gods be on your side if you don't call them by the proper names? Only Romans should expect victory. Mars is Roman isn't he?

              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


              • #8
                Originally posted by SerapisIV
                Actually, I don't think that Civ3 factor technology into the power calculations. Can anyone confirm this thought?

                I've had games where I have a whole slew of tanks and battleships, while the AI civs have only frigates and cavalry and a whole bunch of obsolete units, yet, I'm considered weaker by the power graph and also the military advisor. Is technology factored into power? Does the AI facot technology into its calculations for who to be aggressive towards?
                Basically, I think the ai(and your little ai advisor) evaluates military prowess based on primarily numbers of units. If you have 80 warriors and another civ has like 30 knights and pikemen catapults then that civ is 'in awe' of your military.

