I've been reading the boards here at Apolyton and over at CivFanatics since I got CivIII about three weeks ago. I have also been playing CivII for a couple years. In CivII REX was the Best, no doubt about it. In CivIII, particularly on maps smaller then huge, I don't think REX is all it's cracked up to be. As everyone knows the CivIII AI expands relentlessly. I'll use my Apolyton Tournament game as an example. I founded Babylon in 4000BC, created my first warrior in 5 turns, the date was then 3750 AD. By 3500, or 5 turns later I had already run into the Persians. The turn after that they created their second city and they were on my front door step, two turns later they had a third and fourth city. By this time I had also discovered the Chinese and Aztecs to the to the south. I had enough room to found maybe 4 more cities if I was lucky but at the speed the AI was expanding I'd be hemmed in with only 3 cities within the next 5 turns. So I decided at that point to abandon REX and go into full Bowman production. Within 10 turns I had taken 3 Persian cities including their capitol. Over the next 10 turns I finished off the Persians and taken one city from the Chinese and two from the Aztecs. I started to do what I call semi-REX after the Persians had been wiped out and by the time I had taken the Chinese Aztec cities I controlled the entire NW third of the continent. I'm hoping to finish in time for the 30th. So with the new and improved AI of CivIII I don't think REX is always the best. Just my 2 cents, let the flames begin
Me at work ------>

Me at work ------>
