sometimes the AIs don't cancel treaties, that are helpful for them. e. g.: I gave the zulus incense for 4 gold/turn, world map and 10 lump sum. after 20 turns nothing happened. I waited a few turns, then spoke to them, the treaty was still active, but without the number of remaining turns. They gave me 30 gold and 9/turn a round, when I negotiated a new treaty for incense! i think treaties for strategic resources they need are even more likely to be "forgotten". don't let them get away with this!
sad there is no menue for detailed treaties.
another underestimated weapon is the peace treaty. it can always be discussed, if the number of remaining turns is not appearing at active treaties. If the advisor says one civ's military is weak, you can discuss a new peace treaty with them and get some gold/t or whatever (stay polite thereby and they will also!).
yesterday, after a long war vs the indians, were they lost more than half of their country, they were still "not intimitated by threats" (I only remember the civ2 phrase), when i wanted to mace peace with them. but at polite negotiations ("overextended") they gave me 2 of their remaining 8 cities. (the last ones on my continent, with iron and saltpeter).
Does anybody know how to switch visible civs at the foreign advisor, when there are more than 7?
sad there is no menue for detailed treaties.
another underestimated weapon is the peace treaty. it can always be discussed, if the number of remaining turns is not appearing at active treaties. If the advisor says one civ's military is weak, you can discuss a new peace treaty with them and get some gold/t or whatever (stay polite thereby and they will also!).
yesterday, after a long war vs the indians, were they lost more than half of their country, they were still "not intimitated by threats" (I only remember the civ2 phrase), when i wanted to mace peace with them. but at polite negotiations ("overextended") they gave me 2 of their remaining 8 cities. (the last ones on my continent, with iron and saltpeter).

Does anybody know how to switch visible civs at the foreign advisor, when there are more than 7?