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Civ 3: Worthless Junk?

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  • #16
    The No Resource Army, btw.

    Spearmen, 1-2-1
    Archer 2-1-1
    Longbowman 4-1-1
    Rifleman 4-6-1

    Artillery, btw, are about 50-80 percent of a great army. I had no source of rubber when I got replaceable parts, but I could still take riflemen-guarded cities with nothing but artillery and riflemen. The trick is to reduce cities to smoking piles of rubble.

    The most miserably resourced empire in the world can kick some major ass right after getting replacable parts.


    • #17
      How can I survive? Again, especially on a large map with many islands, my cities and units are bombarded by warships with iron cannon. Meanwhile, I cannot defend my territory and am under constant attack.

      Would that be so bad? If I brought the wars on myself? No. Yet the AI is ruthless. Is there a reason for its agressive tendancies?

      Furthermore, I'm not sure how you've survived, but no other nation seems to want to sell its technology or even contact mine. Treaties last a turn or two with them, at best. I've got 3,200 gold and they've got 60, but again, they consistently win. Perhaps they use this "lumberjack" technique?
      "These men are extremely well-disciplined, and they have a history of engaging in such activities that will serve us well. They will appear spontaneous and ideologically motivated. These men carry their own cover and will not be tracable to us."

      - G. Gordon Liddy on his special teams prior to Watergate


      • #18
        Originally posted by Desert Journeyman
        How can I survive? Again, especially on a large map with many islands, my cities and units are bombarded by warships with iron cannon. Meanwhile, I cannot defend my territory and am under constant attack.

        Would that be so bad? If I brought the wars on myself? No. Yet the AI is ruthless. Is there a reason for its agressive tendancies?

        Furthermore, I'm not sure how you've survived, but no other nation seems to want to sell its technology or even contact mine. Treaties last a turn or two with them, at best. I've got 3,200 gold and they've got 60, but again, they consistently win. Perhaps they use this "lumberjack" technique?
        1. The AI CAN be ruthless, but it isn't always ruthless. I have played 3 games now, 1 on Regent, 1 on Monarch, and 1 on Emperor. No AI nation has ever declared war on me. They like to gang up on SOMEBODY, but it isn't necessarily YOU. I have seen 14 AI civs gang up on another AI civ. Make sure you have a good military, good science, good culture, a large enough empire, trade periodically with AI to improve matters, or you can enter into some mutual protection pacts yourself. Heck you may have the chance to gang up on an AI civ with all the others, I have done it too.

        2. The AI WILL sell techs to you, you just have to give them enough cash (lump sum). In ancient times, expect to pay maybe 100 gold. In the industrial times, about 800-1000 each. In my current emperor game I have turned the science rate to 0 and cash rate to 100 since ancient times. Up till now (just got replacable parts) every singel one of my tech was bought.

        3. The AI doesn't use lumberjack. Or at least I have never seen them doing it.

        4. The trick to survive, is not to go to war at all if you are not ready.

        5. You definitely can survive without resources. The combat system is designed that way. You can also launch surgical wars just to grab a resource city or two.


        • #19
          You call for a tall order. Attempting to manage expansion of my trade, cities, military, and technology would be nigh to impossible.

          What types of units do you usually rely on during Ancient times? I graduated from the spearmen to horseman, archer to longbow, and finally, to musketeer and cavalry. I've been without pikemen, knights, or frigates - the last of which is apparantly vital because I cannot otherwise defend my shores.

          It isn't just "what's in" Civ III, but what's not in Civ III that counts. I expected so much ... more.
          "These men are extremely well-disciplined, and they have a history of engaging in such activities that will serve us well. They will appear spontaneous and ideologically motivated. These men carry their own cover and will not be tracable to us."

          - G. Gordon Liddy on his special teams prior to Watergate


          • #20
            Desert Journeyman

            Hey Journeyman, by comparison of most people here I am a relative newbie, on Civ 2 I used to always play on one level above warlord (sometimes two levels) but when I played Civ 3 and tried playing on war lord I found myself getting my ass handed to me, but then I read these forums for a different feel on how to approach the game.

            The trick is to not play like Civ II, the AI is not ruthless unless you provoke them in some way or dont let them get a few good deals at the beggining of the game. I dont have time to explain my strategy right now, but if you dont mind trying a different approach to things (you will never have to start the game the same way to win) e-mail me at and I will write up how I approach the game.

            I have to go meet a friend now, but basicly to win you need to be shrewd with some technologies and sell your dead end ones (like monarchy, that will keep them from going to the better republic for awhile) use your culture to expand your territory if your scrapped for territory, if you plan on going to war remember you need to be able to march into the capital within 35 turns (the AI seems to be able to build a god awful sized army with no upkeep costs) and yeah, if you want something more detailed e-mail me.

            ~ Jeremy


            • #21
              Originally posted by Desert Journeyman
              Treaties last a turn or two with them, at best. I've got 3,200 gold and they've got 60, but again, they consistently win. Perhaps they use this "lumberjack" technique?
              Spend that 3200. It does you no good just sitting in your treasury. Buy some military. The AI respects strength, a nation with a huge treasury and no military is not strong. It's a nice, fat juicy target.
              Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
              I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


              • #22
                I don't really want to break in on this subject, but I'd like to add my two cents on this subject.

                Actually, I was shocked by how fast the AI (or rather PO - programmed opponent) expands. If I didn't react quickly enough, I found myself cut off of further routes of expansion, ressources and such. So I had to adapt. And yes, I hope this expansionism will be cut down on in a future patch, for I can make no distinction at the moment between expansionists and non-expansionists.

                My current game, which is my first serious game after trying and fiddling a while, sees me as Persia. I had only horses as strategic ressoure. No iron, no saltpeter, no coal. Zulu and Babylonians roamed from south to north through my country and founded settlements there. However, through diplomacy I managed to keep up with the other civs. technologically, and especially on the cultural level. Through trade with luxuries I financed getting treaties to assure my safety, or to fund my research. I have absorbed some cities too close to my border. (Actually, all but two settlements on my northern border.

                After I traded some techs for coal and iron, I managed to industrialize my country, build railroads, and now that we approach the modern age, I find to have an abundance of oil and rubber.

                This just as an example that at higher difficulty settings, without the vital mid-game ressources, you can not only stay alive (granted, my score is the third lowest of 8, but I have the second highest culture rating), but actually keep up with the POs. Oh, and in the year 1756, I have not been at war once since 4000 BC.
                Attrition is not a strategy. Attrition is the apparent lack of strategy. - Sun Tzu


                • #23
                  the ai isn't that psycho... just be nice and don't be a complete jerk to them. also, the ai won't declare war on you if you are strong. they tend to bluff a lot in the diplomacy... that shows that you're powerful.

                  in my games, i piss the ai off on purpose just cause i get bored. it's fun taking on the whole planet.



                  • #24
                    I think you've just had bad luck with the resource seed and the AIs, DJ. It isn't normally that bad.

                    As for what army to build, Spearman in droves, catapults, and horsemen are big favorites. That's the econo army, minimum casualties. Swordsmen and Immortals have the most offensive power but actually die in combat a bit more since they fight to the death, wheras mounted troops only do if the defender is down to 1 hp.

                    I'm not much of an ancient warrior, so I build mostly defensive units and try to keep out of trouble till I want to make it. I play conquest only games with a peaceful ancient period, myself.

