As many of you know by now, there is a sometimes vicious debate over HP/FP going on, involving at least 4 threads. Well, i am not addressing this issue here, only the startling (well, for some of us, not that surprising) results of an experiment carried out by N. Machiavelli (for reference, look at N. Machiavelli's first post in Dmc507's thread in the general section about hit point [this is part of the title] before really moving on). This experiement made me think: How can a poor sap like me, who has spent hours using my treasure & time building up an advanced society survive the blitzkrieg from a dormant stone age rival who has spent the last few millenia building up? It may be hard after the invasion began, but it is possible. Here's how:
By the time you are in the late industrial age, regardless of difficulty level, you should have at least 10 core cities with enough shields to make a horseman in one or two turns. You should also have a RR net to move armies to where they are needed. Now, I am talking about horsemen because by this time you have nationalism, so the glory days of warriors or spearmen are over(was this intentional? did Fixarians predict N.Machiavelli's results?) and there is no going back. After you cut your supplies of iron and saltpeter though, you can make horsemen again (if you lack horse, trade the iron or the saltpeter for it- remember, at this point they are an impediment, not a plus. But you do need horses). So, begin building horsemen in all your cities. At this point you need no more science, or a minimum at most, so send all your money to the treasury-and becomee communist, since again, science is a non-issue. In a turn you should have 10 new horsemen, ten turns, a hundread, a hundread turns, a thousand! Obviously you may have some older, 'better' units. Keep them-the more the better-and use them for defense. Your ever growing mass of horsemen will be your mobile reserve and eventually, turn into the horde you will unleash upon the world (and if it could be done by warriors, horsemen would do it mcuh better). You at this point may ask, why not use tanks or cavlry? Are they not so much better, with one tank worth many horsemen? I think most would agree (including both sides of the HP/FP debate) that while a tank may have 8 times the attack power, it is not worth 8 horsemen, just a cavalry, with 3 times the attack power, is not worth 3 horsemen. The point here is for numbers, and you will build far more horsemen far more quickly than tanks or cavalry. Again, in a hundread turns you should have at least 1000 horsemen, if not twice that, with dozens pouring out every few turns and your economy should be able to handle the upkeep- though your CPU might not handle the overload.
Well, i hope this restores some faith to those of us who for some reason decided to create a CIV instead of a mass of units to pound our enemies to bits
By the time you are in the late industrial age, regardless of difficulty level, you should have at least 10 core cities with enough shields to make a horseman in one or two turns. You should also have a RR net to move armies to where they are needed. Now, I am talking about horsemen because by this time you have nationalism, so the glory days of warriors or spearmen are over(was this intentional? did Fixarians predict N.Machiavelli's results?) and there is no going back. After you cut your supplies of iron and saltpeter though, you can make horsemen again (if you lack horse, trade the iron or the saltpeter for it- remember, at this point they are an impediment, not a plus. But you do need horses). So, begin building horsemen in all your cities. At this point you need no more science, or a minimum at most, so send all your money to the treasury-and becomee communist, since again, science is a non-issue. In a turn you should have 10 new horsemen, ten turns, a hundread, a hundread turns, a thousand! Obviously you may have some older, 'better' units. Keep them-the more the better-and use them for defense. Your ever growing mass of horsemen will be your mobile reserve and eventually, turn into the horde you will unleash upon the world (and if it could be done by warriors, horsemen would do it mcuh better). You at this point may ask, why not use tanks or cavlry? Are they not so much better, with one tank worth many horsemen? I think most would agree (including both sides of the HP/FP debate) that while a tank may have 8 times the attack power, it is not worth 8 horsemen, just a cavalry, with 3 times the attack power, is not worth 3 horsemen. The point here is for numbers, and you will build far more horsemen far more quickly than tanks or cavalry. Again, in a hundread turns you should have at least 1000 horsemen, if not twice that, with dozens pouring out every few turns and your economy should be able to handle the upkeep- though your CPU might not handle the overload.
Well, i hope this restores some faith to those of us who for some reason decided to create a CIV instead of a mass of units to pound our enemies to bits
