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The economics of food velocity in a Despotism

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  • #46
    Your point about content faces not being able to be over-ridden by oppression is also true for content faces from MPs.

    I take advantage of Sistine enhanced cathedrals to make my switch from despotism to Republic in many cases. The 6 content faces produced by each cathedral allow a kind of buffer so that the city can grow and stay orderly while it works off it's opression. If I can't manage a cathedral, then I'll abandond and re-build just before switching to Republic.
    I'm not giving in to security, under pressure
    I'm not missing out on the promise of adventure
    I'm not giving up on implausible dreams
    Experience to extremes" -RUSH 'The Enemy Within'


    • #47
      Further update: the "happy faces" luxuries give you are really contentment faces. Duh.

      On further inspection, it appears that:

      Religious buildings provide a "happiness floor" below which negative modifiers can't go.

      All other luxuries first cancel out lingering unhappiness, and then start to affect the populace normally. That is, a city with 20 turns of 5 unhappy will take 5 more luxuries a turn (you can effectively treat military police and luxury goods as being the same as 1 gold in luxuries each) to pacify then one without the unhappiness.

      As near as I can tell, unhappiness from rush-building is a constant. If you drive off 5 people at once through building something (the civilopedia insists that they "become unhappy and leave," amusingly), then that city will have -5 content faces for the next twenty turns. That is, you start with the raw number of content faces due to difficulty level and buildings, and then from there add/subtract content faces due to rush-building unhappiness and luxuries. Producing excess luxuries beyond what's necessary to make the entire city unhappy doesn't seem to change anything.

      It appears to stack; that is, if you've got 15 turns left of 5 unhappiness, and you rush build using 3, then you'll have 15 turns of 8 unhappy followed by 5 turns of 3 unhappy.

      Actually useful strategic advice based on this: produce just enough happiness buildings for a city to use all the high food production squares around it. That is, if you have 2 wheat, a cow, and a flood plain, you're better off rush-building a temple + colloseum there.


      • #48
        Whoops, you're right David. Communism looks better and better. ;0

        The amazing thing from this is how useless luxury goods are under communism and depotism, if you use even a modicum of rushing.

        The Sistine Chapel looks even better for a warmonger, which is kind of odd if you think about it.


        • #49
          Especially now that they fixed the corruption model for Communism in the patch!

          I actually don't use pop-rushing past the Ancient Age because it's just not efficient enough for me. I prefer to have large cities and use gold to rush whatever I need at that point. I can always manage to hit the 4 turn limit with only 40-60% science, which gives me a lot left over to buy things with.

          As a despot, on the other hand, I'm ruthless ...
          I'm not giving in to security, under pressure
          I'm not missing out on the promise of adventure
          I'm not giving up on implausible dreams
          Experience to extremes" -RUSH 'The Enemy Within'


          • #50
            Although this has to be the most interesting thread around, I am going to spam to it.. because... I see that someone else is posting from Laguna Hills.... craziness. =P Hello!


            • #51
              memory of POP rushing

              [QUOTE] Originally posted by Gatamelata
              Pop rushing is an interesting topic, to be certain. I was first seduced by its allure - the promise of fast and easy production at a time when my empire needed it the most. But it has a long term cost.

              Once my cities started growing, I noticed something horrible - Rome was somewhat hobbled, and Veii was stuck with one producer and three entertainers. Rome finally started growing again around 800 AD, but Veii didn't start growing until the 1600s, and its people remembered all of the oppression until the early 1800s.

              From Cunning Planner

              Just catching up with many of these posts - Being a Mac user I'm behind the game - still want an editor !!!.

              Thought on problem of long term unhappiness in a city used to POP rush - If your last POP rush is a worker/ settler at city size 1/2, it can be abandoned and you can start a new city on the same square with no memory of the earlier 'slave driving' ? Sell any improvements first of course.


              • #52

                Welcome aboard!!

                Suggestion: When in the forum screen (not in a thread), you can sort by number of views or replies at the bottom. This is a quick way to find the most popular threads.
                The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.

