Little placement for you all...
16 civ Huge, French Communist... Russians to the east... fought them about 200 years back to get my hands on a coal mine that "was" the only one on the continent. Romans to the north, fought them just because i could (and they where always wanting free techs, so i knew they would bite sooner or later). I have the tech lead, barely over the persians, and they wanted a MPP for one of their "techs" so i bit. I attack the romans, and because i have alot of money i get alot of people to start war with the romans. The romans have 5 times the army of all of us put together and since im on the front they are coming down on me first. So i raze a few of their front cities and then they offer peace. The civs i contracted seem to have started WWI in my game as all of a sudden all sorts of countries are at war with other countries. Now i have the Russians/Romans on my territory (Both Furious) and if i ask them to move their 50+ armies they will just attack me. I do not have enough guys to make a wall from both sides and they are around all my big cities so its mighty scarry. Flight in 2 turns and MT in about 6 (if i get the 4) Since there are MPP's all over i cannot fight one side and pray for protection from the other...
Any one been in this situation and had a good out come ? If so what did you do ?
16 civ Huge, French Communist... Russians to the east... fought them about 200 years back to get my hands on a coal mine that "was" the only one on the continent. Romans to the north, fought them just because i could (and they where always wanting free techs, so i knew they would bite sooner or later). I have the tech lead, barely over the persians, and they wanted a MPP for one of their "techs" so i bit. I attack the romans, and because i have alot of money i get alot of people to start war with the romans. The romans have 5 times the army of all of us put together and since im on the front they are coming down on me first. So i raze a few of their front cities and then they offer peace. The civs i contracted seem to have started WWI in my game as all of a sudden all sorts of countries are at war with other countries. Now i have the Russians/Romans on my territory (Both Furious) and if i ask them to move their 50+ armies they will just attack me. I do not have enough guys to make a wall from both sides and they are around all my big cities so its mighty scarry. Flight in 2 turns and MT in about 6 (if i get the 4) Since there are MPP's all over i cannot fight one side and pray for protection from the other...
Any one been in this situation and had a good out come ? If so what did you do ?
