for the first look armies are incradible. If managed properly it is an immortal unit that will kick any ass!
my problems begen when knights in my first army was a bit weak comparing to tanks
i wanted to get rid of the absolete units in the army and get tanks in. No such luck.
Since an army is a nearly immortal unit the problem of upgrade cuts in shurply. If anyone managed to do it - let me know.
The second problem is use of armies. In one game i was able to make 6 armies filled with 4 tanks each. Nothing was able to stand in my way.
However, the attack is taking waaaaayyyy to long, If i used these 24 takns separetly i would've stormed my rivals 6 times as fast (without even waisting time to build the academy and initial army leaders).
Of corse i would've lost some units but the simultanious devastating attack on 5-6 cities at the same time would not give a chance to evnemy to caonter attack.
So i'm coming to a conclusion that armies in a massive attack is useless.
the same i think about defence units simply 'cause they get obsolete faster than an army dies.
The only advantage i can see - would be using armies with units like sworsman (that cann't retreave from a batal). But all other more or less serious offensive units can retreve from batal without any army. And swordman army would get absolete faster that u can take real advantage from using it
Let me know if u were able to gain a real advantage in using armies rather then separate units.
for the first look armies are incradible. If managed properly it is an immortal unit that will kick any ass!
my problems begen when knights in my first army was a bit weak comparing to tanks

i wanted to get rid of the absolete units in the army and get tanks in. No such luck.
Since an army is a nearly immortal unit the problem of upgrade cuts in shurply. If anyone managed to do it - let me know.
The second problem is use of armies. In one game i was able to make 6 armies filled with 4 tanks each. Nothing was able to stand in my way.
However, the attack is taking waaaaayyyy to long, If i used these 24 takns separetly i would've stormed my rivals 6 times as fast (without even waisting time to build the academy and initial army leaders).
Of corse i would've lost some units but the simultanious devastating attack on 5-6 cities at the same time would not give a chance to evnemy to caonter attack.
So i'm coming to a conclusion that armies in a massive attack is useless.
the same i think about defence units simply 'cause they get obsolete faster than an army dies.
The only advantage i can see - would be using armies with units like sworsman (that cann't retreave from a batal). But all other more or less serious offensive units can retreve from batal without any army. And swordman army would get absolete faster that u can take real advantage from using it
Let me know if u were able to gain a real advantage in using armies rather then separate units.