I wanted to take over the world but corruption seemed to stop me cold. But I think I finially figured out how. Communism!
At first I thought it would even out corruption...it didnt. Cities far from the Palace only received one shield even with a Courthouse (Ill call them TC towns -Total Corruption). But then I realized..who cares about shields. Communism TC cities need one thing and one thing only...FOOD!
Normally I rarely irigate anything except Wheat, Cattle and Flood Plains in the early game, but not so for Communism TC towns. Irigate the best few tiles for food and throw down some Railroad when you can for even more food. It is not necessary to work much more than 5-6 tiles, you wont be letting the town get any bigger.
First thing I rush build is a Granary if it needs one (captured cities seem to have no buildings other than a Barrracks sometimes). Very improtant for keeping the population up. Then I make a Temple for limited culture and to keep them from remembering me using them as slave labor. After than its all war toys. Currently for me thats Cavalry, Rifleman and Cannons.
You can sell Markets, Banks, Courthouses, Police Stations or anything else that does make people happy or produce culture. Even those you can sell, who needs the upkeep. Four Military Police, Temple and a few luxaries should keep a size 6 city happy and culture is for wussy Democracies!
Each decent food producing town can make a pop a turn. Rushing a Calvary usually kills off 3 pop, that means 1 Cav every 3 turns. Can your goody two-shoe size 6 Democratic city do that?
Also you can draft 1-2 conscripts each turn for 1 pop each. Use these to police your towns that are away from the front line.
Any time a TC city needs an entertainer do a draft or rush job. Dont want a bunch of mimes eating up valuable breeder food!
Note: A certain core group of cities near your palace will have tolerable corruption. Run those as normal cities using your normal strategy. You will rely on those for making Wonders, tech research, money and Factory type cities.
If you want to try this from the outset I suggest definitely getting getting Sun Tzu's Art of War and maybe Leonardo's Workshop.
I also let all TC towns use the Governor to monitor Moods. That way you dont have to check them each turn cause they grow fast and youll have alot of them! Unforuntely telling the Governor to emphasize food doesnt help so you ahve to keep an eye on them. Even at TC then think using a mine on the hill is a good idea sometimes. Maybe I should pillage those.....
Good luck Comrade!
Ghengis Thom
At first I thought it would even out corruption...it didnt. Cities far from the Palace only received one shield even with a Courthouse (Ill call them TC towns -Total Corruption). But then I realized..who cares about shields. Communism TC cities need one thing and one thing only...FOOD!
Normally I rarely irigate anything except Wheat, Cattle and Flood Plains in the early game, but not so for Communism TC towns. Irigate the best few tiles for food and throw down some Railroad when you can for even more food. It is not necessary to work much more than 5-6 tiles, you wont be letting the town get any bigger.
First thing I rush build is a Granary if it needs one (captured cities seem to have no buildings other than a Barrracks sometimes). Very improtant for keeping the population up. Then I make a Temple for limited culture and to keep them from remembering me using them as slave labor. After than its all war toys. Currently for me thats Cavalry, Rifleman and Cannons.
You can sell Markets, Banks, Courthouses, Police Stations or anything else that does make people happy or produce culture. Even those you can sell, who needs the upkeep. Four Military Police, Temple and a few luxaries should keep a size 6 city happy and culture is for wussy Democracies!

Each decent food producing town can make a pop a turn. Rushing a Calvary usually kills off 3 pop, that means 1 Cav every 3 turns. Can your goody two-shoe size 6 Democratic city do that?
Also you can draft 1-2 conscripts each turn for 1 pop each. Use these to police your towns that are away from the front line.
Any time a TC city needs an entertainer do a draft or rush job. Dont want a bunch of mimes eating up valuable breeder food!
Note: A certain core group of cities near your palace will have tolerable corruption. Run those as normal cities using your normal strategy. You will rely on those for making Wonders, tech research, money and Factory type cities.
If you want to try this from the outset I suggest definitely getting getting Sun Tzu's Art of War and maybe Leonardo's Workshop.
I also let all TC towns use the Governor to monitor Moods. That way you dont have to check them each turn cause they grow fast and youll have alot of them! Unforuntely telling the Governor to emphasize food doesnt help so you ahve to keep an eye on them. Even at TC then think using a mine on the hill is a good idea sometimes. Maybe I should pillage those.....
Good luck Comrade!

Ghengis Thom