The basis of this strategy is that once you get around any significant chunk of the world, corruption makes pretty much every city you conquer pretty much useless i.e. produce only 1 shield and 1 commerce.
In order to work in this kind of situation you need communism. The most important features that you should use are the draft and the rush build. This allows you to take advantage of the population despite the fact that you have no trade or production.
With this in mind the following steps should be taken:
1) The palace and the forbidden palace should be at two ends of your core cities, i.e. the by this point highly developed, high culture cities that youve had since the early game. This will allow you to have at least a base of functional cities from which to start.
2) Start conquering cities. How you go about doing this is up to you)
3) Suppress resisters with military units used to conquer.
4) Begin cultural assimilation the hard way. Rush build a temple (and maybe a cathedral depending on size). This has the double effect of causing other cultures citizens to "emigrate"
and begins introducing your own culture early to keep the city from rebeling. Add your own settlers (not captured ones) to the city if the population drops too low.
5) Maximize population growth. Granaries/harbors and irragation/railraods for all the worked squares.
6) Draft 4 units for basic defence and martial law. Add a marketplace (for luxury resource effect) if neccesary to keep them happy if neccesary.
7) Get barracks. When pop grows, rush build a unit. Use units to conquer more cities. Lather rinse repeat.
Until Firaxis releases a patch that moderates corruption, this looks like the best way to smash you way to victory.
In order to work in this kind of situation you need communism. The most important features that you should use are the draft and the rush build. This allows you to take advantage of the population despite the fact that you have no trade or production.
With this in mind the following steps should be taken:
1) The palace and the forbidden palace should be at two ends of your core cities, i.e. the by this point highly developed, high culture cities that youve had since the early game. This will allow you to have at least a base of functional cities from which to start.
2) Start conquering cities. How you go about doing this is up to you)
3) Suppress resisters with military units used to conquer.
4) Begin cultural assimilation the hard way. Rush build a temple (and maybe a cathedral depending on size). This has the double effect of causing other cultures citizens to "emigrate"

5) Maximize population growth. Granaries/harbors and irragation/railraods for all the worked squares.
6) Draft 4 units for basic defence and martial law. Add a marketplace (for luxury resource effect) if neccesary to keep them happy if neccesary.
7) Get barracks. When pop grows, rush build a unit. Use units to conquer more cities. Lather rinse repeat.
Until Firaxis releases a patch that moderates corruption, this looks like the best way to smash you way to victory.