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Mods... Dealing with coruption

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  • Mods... Dealing with coruption

    Greetings fellow Civ addicts,

    I've been reading these boards for a while now and just registered in order to post so, bear with me (I'm a newbie).

    To date, I've D/L'ed quite a few patch/mods for Civ3, mostly art improvements (raised land, Irrigation & rivers, improvement info, wonder info, resource tags, ect..((thanks for your hard work, Modders)). I'm holding out on getting a rule changing mods to see what Fraxis does to address issues like coruption and unit balancing.

    I've noticed that when you Mod anything applying to coruption it usually means changing the Coruption factor in the rules.. I feel that coruption is a big problem in the real world and so should it be in civ3.

    I usually deal with coruption by creating a nest of cities in a resource rich area far from my capitol, build and rush a harbor (on the coast of course, to establish internal trade) and a courthouse in what will be the resource rich second capitol (Building a Forbidden Palace).
    This is my standard plan for expansion and seems to be working for me.
    However, once I do this, making another nest of cities that will become productive is next to imposible in a high coruption gov't

    What I'd like to see in a Coruption Mod is rather than changing the Coruption factor in the rules, is either allowing a civ to build more than one Forbidden Palace or another small wonder with similar properties to the forbidden Palace. I takes alot of time this way but anyting worth doing should be tough, it keeps you humble.

    Changing the coruption standards in the rules put out by the makers seem to me like a easy out. Let's work with the rules not around them. (no offence to Ancient, MonkSpider or any one else Modding rules).

    Again, Thank you all, for all the hard work that went into improving one of my favorite games. I really appriciate it

    Please reply, I'd like to hear what you all think


  • #2
    I think that your idea of letting a player build more than one Forbidden Palace is great. Anther thing that I was think about that corruption should decrease with the discovery of certain techs. I can see how corruption would be a really big problem for large empires in the early game. The great distances form the captial of the empire and the time it took to comunicate with the far of parts of the empire mad it really hard in the early part of human history to manage a large empire.

    But if you look at our world today one can travel any where in the world in less than a day. We can comunicate with anyone anywhere on the earth instantously. Thus I think Civ3 should reflect this, that as comunication and traveling become better and faster that corruption should be lowered as well, for the reasons I have already stated.
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    • #3
      Jack's got a great idea.

      Myself I think there should be a small wonder called Supreme Court that lowers corruption in all your cities, but can we even add more wonders?
      "I am the alpha and the omega"
      "I am the beginning, the end, the one who is many"


      • #4
        If I'm not mistaken, having *any* route to a city lowers the corruption. A route means a harbor, an airport or a road.

        What if there was some room for upgrading one's connection? So that for example the harbor and airport have a cumulative effect. And so that a railroad adds to having a road. This would be a simple and elegant way to battle corrruption as you progress.


        • #5
          I believe, If established trade routes reduce corruption in out lying cities it's due to the sharing of luxury resources. which may be true.

          I prefer the idea Grim made about augmenting coruption through improved traveling methods (railroads and airports), establish trade route, make route stronger, cities in effect are less isolated, result = lower coruption.

          That's a rule mod I can live with.


