I like the new helicopter feature which allows insertions behind enemy lines with infantry, marines or paratroopers (should be able to carry arty). My problem with them are
1-they carry too little-its a fleet of chinooks for god's sake- I say carry 2 units, specially since copters are not that cheap.
2-in large worlds their range is not that good, but of course this could be said for many aircraft in large worlds.
This feature would work better, and the airwar in general (ONCE THE sam, AIR INTERCEPTION BUG IS FIXED and AIRPLANES ARE ALLOWED TO KILL!) if airbases were brought back, since it would be nice to build bases from which to launch airstrikes that don't cost much time or money to build, especilly far from the capitol that can't be swalloed culturally by the enemy (really, why fortresses but no airbases?)
So how is everyone else using their choppers?
1-they carry too little-its a fleet of chinooks for god's sake- I say carry 2 units, specially since copters are not that cheap.
2-in large worlds their range is not that good, but of course this could be said for many aircraft in large worlds.
This feature would work better, and the airwar in general (ONCE THE sam, AIR INTERCEPTION BUG IS FIXED and AIRPLANES ARE ALLOWED TO KILL!) if airbases were brought back, since it would be nice to build bases from which to launch airstrikes that don't cost much time or money to build, especilly far from the capitol that can't be swalloed culturally by the enemy (really, why fortresses but no airbases?)

So how is everyone else using their choppers?