Is it just me, or has the loss of my beloved camel made this game very slooooooow? I understand that some people like to play games on huge maps with 16 civs that take weeks to complete. That's OK, whatever floats your boat, but my favorite way to play civ was early AC with rushed wonder building to increase science via SCC.
It appears that the only way to rush wonders is buy using a leader. OK, fine, so I pick a militaristic civ and flood my neighbor with 30 vet legions (hi neighbor
) Despite multiple victories with elite units, I have as of yet only made 1 leader in each game I have played. I ended up quitting early b/c the boredom of slogging through 10 tiles of jungle with my army that is slower than the 7 year itch just was too much for me. Conquest was never a fun way to play in Civ 2, and its no less appealing in civ 3.
Whining aside, I really want to give this game a fair shake. Civ 2 was arguably the best computer game ever, so I am assuming that this game can't be as boring as it appears. Please respond with ideas on #any hints or tricks on making leaders or #2 any other valid strategies for rushing wonders (please don't say planting and cutting down a forest, if anything that is even MORE BORING than ancient warfare with slow units.) Thanks for your consideration.
It appears that the only way to rush wonders is buy using a leader. OK, fine, so I pick a militaristic civ and flood my neighbor with 30 vet legions (hi neighbor

Whining aside, I really want to give this game a fair shake. Civ 2 was arguably the best computer game ever, so I am assuming that this game can't be as boring as it appears. Please respond with ideas on #any hints or tricks on making leaders or #2 any other valid strategies for rushing wonders (please don't say planting and cutting down a forest, if anything that is even MORE BORING than ancient warfare with slow units.) Thanks for your consideration.