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Rush Wonders

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  • Rush Wonders

    I got the game recently, but played the old ones for many years.

    I was wondering if anyone tried rush building wonder by building and chopping down forests. Does it result in net gain? I mean, while planting the forest there is a loss of production for around 5 turns, 15 shields, how does that work out?
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  • #2
    look at the threads about the IFE Infinite Forest Exploitation, it covers something like that.
    for important wonders on higher levels it is a good idea, maybe the only way (except leaders) to build it before the AI does, but remember, once you got any shields from forest or disbanded units, you are not allowed to switch to another wonder.
    "Where I come from, we don't fraternize with the enemy - how about yourself?"
    Civ2 Military Advisor


    • #3
      I thought IFE didn't work for wonders. Has that been updated?
      "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


      • #4
        What do you get for a forest?
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        • #5
          You get 10 shields for clearing a forest.
          Webmaster of


          • #6
            Originally posted by Libertarian
            I thought IFE didn't work for wonders. Has that been updated?
            I don't know, haven't even tried it, but when a wonder is in reach you desperately need you can plant forests, before you have the necessary advance and can clear them when the wonder is in progress and get 10 shields each.
            "Where I come from, we don't fraternize with the enemy - how about yourself?"
            Civ2 Military Advisor


            • #7
              Hmm, let's see what you lose:

              Cleared forest gives one shield, grown forest 2:

              So, if it takes 5 turns to plant a forest:

              you lose 5 shields while planting and none while clearing. So you make an additional 5 shields for every forest, every 8 turns

              So if you're clearing/planting 6 forests, you get 30 shields extra for every 8 turns.

              So a wonder costing 300, at a production of 15, would be built in 20 turns. After 16 turns, 2x30=60 shields are added, and the wonder is complete 4 turns faster.

              For a 500 shield wonder at production 25, taking 20 turns, the gain is less...
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