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Hurrying Wonders - trick workaround?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Shaka II
    Sometimes a large city improvement, factory, etc. works too. I try to sync up my turns to build with turns to research and adjust shield production to keep 1 turn left before advance. I think this is a small, but acceptable cheat, compared to the AI cheats.

    Sometimes I try desperately to trade tech to switch wonders. Sometimes I get burned with a few turns left. I have not lost a wonder with 1 turn left, so I wonder if there is something in the code that lets you by here.
    Not likely! I lost *4* wonders last game by 2 turns or less. I think 2 1s, 2 2s, but it blurs in the memory of burning those corrupt civs to the ground. Sometimes, you just get BEAT. Espionage is very useful in this regard. You can see what cities the wonders are being built in. Spy on them, figure out how long you should safely have (remember that their cities might grow and cut time slightly)...and remember that if you beat them to Wonder X, they're GOING to use that production for Wonder Y.

