Ok I am playing on Regent level and is currently fighting (and winning
) a world war with the other 7 AI civs.
I have a solid, continuous line of infantry on my borders so that none of the AI units can get through. The AI will wisely attack the weak spots on the line, like a lone infantry on a plain or grassland and then pour through with a 7-8 unit army, kinda like the German blizkrieg technique.
To counter that, I deliberately set up most of the infantry line on hills, mountains and fortresses. Then I will leave one gap in the line, preferably near lots of plain, desert or grassland tiles. 2-3 tiles behind the gap stood the bulk of my army.
Usually, the massive AI allied armies would avoid the entire line of infantry, pour into the gap, and end their turn with 8-10 units standing on a plain/desert/grassland tile inside my borders.
Then the next turn I will close the gap from behind the AI armies, and massacre them. Works quite often. TOO often I think.

I have a solid, continuous line of infantry on my borders so that none of the AI units can get through. The AI will wisely attack the weak spots on the line, like a lone infantry on a plain or grassland and then pour through with a 7-8 unit army, kinda like the German blizkrieg technique.
To counter that, I deliberately set up most of the infantry line on hills, mountains and fortresses. Then I will leave one gap in the line, preferably near lots of plain, desert or grassland tiles. 2-3 tiles behind the gap stood the bulk of my army.
Usually, the massive AI allied armies would avoid the entire line of infantry, pour into the gap, and end their turn with 8-10 units standing on a plain/desert/grassland tile inside my borders.
Then the next turn I will close the gap from behind the AI armies, and massacre them. Works quite often. TOO often I think.