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Strategy Notes From Vel - The Early Game....

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  • Hey guys! The bad news is….I had to report for work today….the upshot to that is that it FORCED me to pull myself away from Civ for a while, so I figured while I’m here and until I can get my “fix” later this evening, I might as well write about it….

    Some interesting notes from my first “Huge-16 Game” too, that highlight the importance of a few of the things we’ve been talking about here…good stuff, GREAT game!

    Comments to the comments and questions:

    Chris: I think the main difference is that I really try hard to find someone to battle during the latter stages of the Ancient Era. Specifically, my “target civ” to attack has 8-12 cities and no iron….::evil grin:: So…at the end of the Ancient Era (and sometimes lasting through to the early part of the Middle Ages), I’m hacking and slashing, and the time after that is spent bringing those relatively recent acquisitions up to par with the rest of the empire.

    That, coupled with the hatefully expensive upgrade program (Pikemen --à Riflemen = 100g EACH…UGH!), (Catapult -à Cannon = 40g each), and a few irresistible builds (Hospital, Factory) pretty much keeps me tied down through the bulk of the Industrial Age….and if I finish up sooner, then I’m verging on tanks and Infantry –another upgrade cycle ::sigh:: so I’ll just hold off my attack till I get the good stuff.

    Dissident: re: Early-Game Research – ‘s all about gold mines, rivers, and roads. If you’re looking for an early game boost (and this is very much dependent on geography), one thing that’s worked for me is if your capitol starts on a river, CRAM cities in along that river, veering off that path slightly to take advantage of gold mines fairly near your capitol (founding cities ON the mine squares when possible.) High corruption or no, if you throw ENOUGH gold at the problem, you will begin to make headway….

    Henry! Yes sir….VelociCivSlave reporting for duty! I SORTA remember what the whole sleep thing is like since this game came out… And thank you for the compliment! Got me blushin’ here as I write this note….superior brain, eh? I’ll have to see if I can convince my co-workers of that….I’m regarded as the “token hippie” ‘round here.

    ::nods to both Henry and Jguy:: ‘k guys….the checks are IN the mail….seriously….thank you both….and I’m glad that this thread is proving helpful. Already, the stuff that’s been discussed here is laying the foundation for what should be an AMAZING strat guide for this game! :: pondering a moment:: “On another plane….” Yep….now that’s one I should be able to convince my co-workers of pretty easily….

    blc: AWESOME idea! Culture Capture seems like it would work VERY well for religious civs, too….cheaper temples at the outset makes for happy citizens, bigger borders and more culture, more quickly….VERY cool!

    GaH: Thanks man! And I'm glad you're liking the thread! Looks like we're pushing the 250 post limit, and will have to open Part two of the thread, but hey....that's cool....I get the feeling there's plenty more to be said!

    And an excellent call about using your workers in gangs! Quite right, too! The faster you can make a target tile more productive (especially if that target tile is already being worked), the better for the city in question! I had a number of similar instances in the game outlined below where I would not have completed a wonder ahead of the opposition if not for gang-forming!

    Game Notes
    Huge Map, 16 Civs, Regent Level Play
    Velocirabi, leading the Babylonians

    Had an average start….decent terrain, but my capitol was at the tip of a short peninsula, which, as has been talked about here, did nasty things to my cities founded later, since ALL of them were pretty far from my capitol, requiring me to think about relocating it sooner, rather than later.

    Began expanding in REX fashion from the get-go, taking the occasional break to build a few additional workers so I could build roads at a decent rate (I MISS my Industrious French workers!), and in roughly a triangular pattern (began at the tip of that little peninsula, and began founding cities following the coast till I encountered border markers, thusly)

            &nbsp x
         &nbsp x
      &nbsp x
      &nbsp x
         &nbsp x
            &nbsp x

    Since I chose the Babylonians, I made temples a BIG priority, setting them as my first build everywhere (even before garrisons). At half price and with pop-rushing, it was a snap to get them in place, and my borders simply exploded!

    Soon as I saw borders, I changed my expansion focus to something like:


    Backfilling from there (note that in some cases, I was able to space my cities a little farther apart cos of border expansions in my older cities, allowing for wider placement with no gaps….also note that because of marauding barbarians—and sometimes rival Civs—some cities wound up being only three apart….but in general I tried for a fairly balanced approach where spacing was concerned).

    My nearest neighbors were the Russians (butting up against the “top” portion of the shape you see above), and the Aztecs (butting up against the right portion of the shape above), and in addition to them, we shared the continent with the Zulu (north of Russia), Iroquois (north of Zulu), Americans (past a choke point to the NE), English (North of America), and Persia (north of England)….so….LOTS of early contacts, but not much tech swapping after I snagged the Great Library (which sent me into a largely useless golden age….I wasn’t working on any additional wonders, didn’t yet have the tech to switch to republic, and had already pop-rushed all my early infrastructure, so I build swordsmen….::yawn:: TOTAL waste of a GA, but….the GL and free tech was still kinna nice….

    So….lots of early game tension as I tried to out-expand the AI…lots of wide open terrain meant no choke points I could use to my advantage, either. I did pretty well I think, having consistently the largest number of cities of any civ on the continent (I kept track each time we’d hold diplomacy).

    The Russians were actually fairly slow to head my way, and partly this was due to local geography….explorations revealed a wide expanse of desert terrain separating us…true, it DID contain a whopping SEVEN tiles of spices, but still….it’s desert.

    I was trying to expand to it, and got to the edge of the desert, but when the Rus saw me heading that way, they suddenly got a lot more interested, lit a fire under it, and next thing I know….there are two new Russian cities in the desert.


    Meanwhile, the Aztecs were rapidly becoming an ancient-era Godzilla…..they certainly lived up to their fearsome reputation, at one point, fighting a coalition of Americans, Zulu, Persians AND Russians to a standstill! Despite repeated attempts by this large, cooperative group of nations, only one Aztec city fell, and was set upon by no less than thirty Jaguar warriors, who swarmed in and took the place back two turns later, then proceeded to pick the attack force apart relentlessly.

    I was very glad I sat that one out, tho I did have a small, serviceable army (three battle groups, consisting of 4 Swordsmen, 2 Horsemen, 2 Catapults in each group), sitting on the borders of Aztec land….had they faltered, I’d have jumped in as well.

    Tech-wise, I was one of the first people to snag “Iron working” as a tech, and saw that I had two deposits of the stuff inside my borders. Sweet.

    I also took note of the fact that neither the Rus NOR the Aztecs had any, though the Rus had easy access—a lone mountain that they were far closer to than anyone else….sooner or later, they’d snag it. Also, neither of my near neighbors had horses—I had one source, the Americans had two.

    All of this left me feeling fairly secure. True, my army was smaller, but we had superior goods…horses AND iron, and I was the only Civ on my continent to have researched Mathematics, so I could count the catapult among my strategic advantages (of which I had six total).

    Not bad….not bad.

    Then, for reasons that remain a mystery to me, the freakin’ Persians decide to declare war on me. Fortunately, the force they had dispatched toward the Aztecs got wiped out to a man, and I never saw the first Persian soldier before I was able to contact them again and sue for peace.

    Xerxes musta just got up on the wrong side of the bed or something.

    So….I watched the armies of rival civs clash in and around my border towns….everybody was violating my borders, nobody would listen to me when I’d tell them to leave, so eventually I stopped trying. As a safeguard, I moved my battle groups toward the worst of the fighting, figuring if they wanted to kill each other on my turf, that was cool, but the first worker of mine that got kidnapped, I was gonna unload on whoever did it.

    Lots of biding my time, and LOTS of culture. In fact, in the ancient era, my culture was nearly twice that of everyone else’s combined. It was insane.

    I was watching borders, too, and figured that the Aztecs would eventually bite off more than they could chew….and when they did, my plan was to swoop in on them and snag three of their cities bordering mine.

    As it stood, despite being lush, rich ground (lots of gold, lots of rivers, and a TON of bonus food tiles), my rather large Empire had all of two luxury resources (both dyes, and both near the capitol). The Aztecs had silks and ivory, and I was looking to expand my options, so I started casting my eye toward selectively acquiring Aztec cities, and repositioning my armies accordingly.

    Before the battle groups could even complete the move, two of the three cities I had my eye on were culturally absorbed into my fold, and a few turns after the armies were re-positioned, the other fell as well! Talk about a totally bloodless battle! I was loving it, AND I now had a decent spread of luxury items (2 tradable Ivory and 1 tradable Dye). That, along with the tech lead I was enjoying, courtesy of the GL, and being surrounded by iron and horse poor neighbors….life was good.

    Still….I bided my time….when I committed to war with someone, I wanted to make it count. Wanted to make it decisive. And until then, I was content to build on my tech and culture leads, making good use of my surplus luxury items to keep my rivals cash-poor and use the money to ratchet my research all the higher.

    Broke through to the middle ages in 500-something AD, WELL ahead of everybody else on my continent, switched to Republic and kept steaming right along. Wonder-wise, I snagged the Observatory and Newton’s University in the same city, and got Sun Tzu’s for good measure. Also during this period, I relocated my palace to a more centrally located city, taking a small hit to Empire-Wide corruption (I actually LOST 8 gold per turn initially, because my oldest cities were larger and produced more, but I knew long term, it would be a boon).

    Also, the Russians managed to land on a little nub of shoreline that hadn’t yet fallen inside my borders and set up a miserable little town there. THAT ticked me off, and was the moment that I began thinking in terms of making eventual war with the Russians, rather than the Aztecs, especially since three Aztec cities had fallen to me already….pruning them sufficiently that they just didn’t seem like the Godzilla they had before.

    As this segment of the game wore on, three MORE Aztec cities would be absorbed into my burgeoning Empire, reducing the Aztecs to a smallish (but still heavily armed) state off to my east.

    Halfway through the Middle Ages, the folk of “the other continent” got in touch with us and ohhh man was it scary looking over there! The lower half of the continent was fairly orderly. The French, then the Japanese, a small Germanic state just north of them, slowly being crushed between the Japanese and a MASSIVE China….north of China though, it was total chaos…Greeks in the middle, beset on all sides by Romans, Indians, and Egyptians…borders were total chaos, and there was almost constant warfare. Clearly, the Big Dogs on the other continent were China, followed somewhat distantly by Japan and France, while on our side of the Pond, I came out on top of the heap, followed somewhat closely by America and Russia, with Persia somewhat weaker, and the others (Aztec, Iroquois, Zulu) all having been reduced to minor roles and technological backwaters.

    True to form, about ten turns after selling contact information all around, the Aztecs declared war on China and India, and those two nations pressured the Rus, Persians, and Zulu into declaring against the Aztec Nation.

    Without iron (The Rus finally build a city out toward their source of Iron), I knew the sturdy Aztecs could not hope to stand up against such an onslaught.

    I had only built roads to one of my two sources of iron, but when war was declared, I set two workers to build a road to “activate” my second source of iron—and actually “found a new reserve” a few turns later. This, I traded to the Aztecs, and gave them Chivalry for good measure.

    On their own, they traded for horses (from the Americans, I assume), and began cranking out veteran Knights like nobody’s business, while they sent their older, outdated troops to hold off the invasion until the new stuff could come online.

    The early battles did not go well….their aging army of Jaguars, Archers, and Spearmen were ground up by Immortals and Swordsmen arriving in droves.

    Clearly, if they were to survive, they’d need a bit more help, so I gave them Right of Passage through my lands, and suddenly, the entire landscape of the battle changed.

    As before, much of it was fought in my turf anyway, but now, with access to my road network, the jaguars began inflicting more punishment on the floundering Russian, Persian, and Zulu troops. Aztec units could move into position more quickly, and they used that with deadly effect on their enemies.

    Soon after, a large contingent of eight Aztec Knights poured through my road network, and swept a contingent of Impis and Immortals aside, and suddenly the coalition was on the defensive.

    Meanwhile, I had been busy building Knights of my own (and upgrading my existing horse troops), and quietly repositioning my armies on the Russian border.

    My attack would consist of four prongs.

    One group was devoted exclusively to the capture of the “cheese-town” that the Russians had set down on my coast.

    The second group would drive straight for the capitol.

    Third group would raid the desert and secure the spice sources I had been after ages ago, and the fourth group would attack Russian border towns up near where the Russian border met the American border.

    Absolute mayhem followed, and I found in the Aztecs, a sturdy and QUITE capable military ally. On two separate occasions, when my damaged troops were threatened by possible counterattack, the Aztecs swept in with Knights and took the opposition forces out before they could move against me.

    They were so good, in fact, that they actually beat me to a couple of my combat objectives, capturing three Russian towns I had set my sights on! It was the first time I have ever played a game with only AI players that I really felt as though I had a PARTNER in the battle. This was not some useless, “fifth wheel” military ally…..this was a capable and deadly partner, and together, the Aztecs and I picked apart the Russian Empire, and while they were helping me against the Rus, the Aztecs also put a serious hurtin’ on the Zulu and Persian armies.

    Absolutely awesome battles!

    I got a great leader out of the deal and made an army out of it with an eye toward the Heroic Epic and such (hoping like HELL for a second leader tho, so I can rush a project in the future!), and made peace with the Rus when they were down to four cities….at that point, my army was pretty widely scattered and badly out of position, and war weariness was starting to become an issue, so I accepted peace in order to re-organize my armies and get ready to polish them off once and for all.

    During the course of the battle, I broke through to the Industrial Age (so far, I’m the only one on either continent to do so—city icons for the other have not changed yet), and am two turns away from being able to build hospitals.

    One of the cities captured by the Aztecs recently reverted back to Russian control, and I’ve duly put in on my target list as the troops reposition themselves.

    Another recent development, Nationalism, so all 33 of my pikemen were upgraded to riflemen (and btw, I think the main reason I don’t fight during this time is the fact that those stupid riflemen shoot each time they move….UGH…how annoying!). Anyway, Riflemen defending most of my towns, swordsmen gathering to be my sacrificial lambs, an army in the field looking for an easy kill, and a core group of veteran and elite Knights at the ready.

    The destruction of the Russian Empire has solidified my position as this continent’s superpower (though, score wise, I am listed as third, behind both China and France), it has brought me new and valuable resources, and it earned me the trust and respect of the Aztecs, who proved themselves to be an invaluable asset! Best thing I ever did was sell them iron and give them a tech!

    I finally forced myself to stop at ten minutes to three this morning…..but I can hardly wait to get home! As fascinating as this game has been, I find that I can’t wait to see what’ll happen next!

    Last edited by Velociryx; November 23, 2001, 14:10.
    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


    • I have now seen a couple of mention of building factories, is that not a dangerous thing due to pollution? I have been skipping them as I get more than enough pollution, even with mass transit and recycle. I would think you would at least ned those and maybe even some other anti pollution stuff. The only thing I fear is the global warming, that can ruin a game.


      • Hey, a few things.

        First, pollution and factories. In my last game, it was never too much of a problem. With an industrius civ, my workers took care of it pretty easily. Maybe 3 workers for each square, and maybe 2 squares per turn? By this time, I'm pretty much done with improvements around my cities, and with >20 pop, theres no need to add the workers back into the cities, so there isn't much for them to do. Once mass transit/solar plants and hydro plants/recycling centers come around pollution is basically a non-issue. (although I admit its not fun cleaning it all up, its definitely worth the extra production.) I haven't had too much of a problem with global warming, maybe 3 or 4 squares before i launch my spaceship (I'd definitely like to hear if other people are having problems). Conclusion: factories are an unavoidable risk if you want to achieve the necessary level of production. I was amazed how the industrial age was so much like the real world, in that I could just pump out massive amounts of anything once factories were in my cities. Pollution is definitely worth it.

        Second, city improvements. Between settlers, once the surrounding area has been explored, what do you guys build? Temples are good, and the expanding borders are useful, but it seems like I go for granaries first. Its a very tangible bonus to my settler farms. What are all of your priorities? Temples on border towns, granaries on inner ones, or just temples first all the time? Also, I'm usually neglecting barracks until I'm upgrading horsemen and such. Does anyone use them in the early game? What are some benefits to doing so?

        Third, early research priorities? The great library is an amazing wonder, but what about those smaller techs? Besides temples and granaries, do you guys get into early wars enough that horsemen and iron working and such are high priorities? I'm usually expanding my empire full out without thinking too much about war (maybe I should change that?)

        Finally, congrats on your success on your current game vel. 16 faction games are quite an adventure. Unfortunately, they take waay too long on my computer.

        I'm going back to doing a massive english project. Vive la Strategy Notes Thread!
        Last edited by Jguy; November 23, 2001, 16:06.


        • Jguy, I totally agree with you about the factories, there is just no way of keeping pace with producing increasingly costly units and buildings without them. pollution can always be cleaned up.

          about the building order, I think yours is excellent. in fact I don't use granaries enough and that can slow down my early settler rush, or at least prevent it from being as quick as it could be. I do like to aquire a few barracks along the way because veteran units in the first part of the game make such a HUGE difference. which brings me to that last part...

          an early war! I believe it to be more of a question of circumstances than anything else. I like to start the game with a vast territory, and if there is someone that's a little too close for my comfort, I usually will give him a good whack. a well prepared early game offensive only requires a hanfull o' archers and warriors. 3-4 archers will often capture a town, be it the enemy capitol. throw in a few warriors for safety, and you're in business. of course there's always a risk of seeing things go wrong, but the potential gain is worth it. if you succeed on gaining 2 cities that way, you'll have a insurpassable advantage on that civ, and you will be able to get more of his towns later on. the barracks are an invaluable asset in such a situation, since most battles will involve 2-attack-strength units and 2-defence-strength units. may the most experienced fighter win... not to mention that it's almost the only way of getting an early great leader.

          on another note, I plan on starting a 16 civ game just looks so exciting !!
          what the ...?!? that was only luck!!


          • I'm loving this thread. I usually take 10 - 15 mins everyday to read it while I'm at work. (All my time at home is occupied by playing Civ3. )

            Everyone seems to have stories about horrible losses to the AI. I have one amazing victory I wanted to share. It was still fairly early in the game, I was French and had a rather large island all to myself. The Persians came by and dropped off a settler and a musketman on a tundra covered penninsula. A few rounds later they declared war on me. Since I was on an island all alone my military really wasn't up to a fight, but we could gear up quickly because of our extensive infrastructure. To hold them off I activated two elite warriors from the closest city. They'd been with me since the beginning and had repeatedly proven their worth fighting barbarians. Amazingly the elite warrior hacked away with his massive axe and took down their defending musketman! To make the victory even more amazing it spawned our Great Leader, Napoleon!

            The weekend is almost here, and I think I can hear my civilization calling for my enlightened leadership.


            • Ok, you talked me into, when I get to factories I will try them (ducks in case). I put up temples every where once I get the city going (no need to make workers or settlers as the out skirts are to far away). I agree with gamer, those vets make a huge difference if you get hit my the AI early with a low level unit on defence. One vet in fortified city can handle two attackers if they are not far superior.


              • Hi all,

                Just wanted to throw in a few off-the-cuff stratagies that I've been using and see what the community thinks about them (for good or bad)

                1) Early Tech Research

                Although nothing is absolute but given a normal/good starting location, the first techs I reserch are the Wheel and Bronze/Iron working. Reasoning that these reveal the location of the Horse and Iron strategic resourses, this in turn allows me to concentrate my direction of empire expansion. This seems to be most useful when there are multiple directions of expansion and/or when you need one of these reasources from your civs UU (ie. Persians/Iroquis ... Indians; feathers, not dots ) Just don't want to be left out in the cold without my ancient era UU.

                2) Culture Warfare

                Having a more peaceful/hybrid style of by I've found I can make tremedous gains (sometimes up to 3/4 of an Ai civ) with nothing more then cultural expansion. Key to this is the civ specific trait of Religious. This trait has quickly proven itself the most useful for my playstyle. Only fleeting glimpses of anarchy and cheap Temples/Cathedrals is a tremendous advantage. Unlike one of the more recent posts where they consider letting the AI civs backfill gaps in thier Civ then aquiring them through culture, my stadagy is more of an ever-marching wall of cultural assmilation.
                I'll position city locations on my frontier as close as possible to neighboring civs cities (2 spaces if possible/ but a minimum of 3). Then rush build cheap temples, libraries, and later cathedrals. Assuming you've managed to get an overall cultural advantage, which you should with cheap temples, my borders experience a steady, though not lightning fast expansion, doing nothing more then building things in cities that I'm going to build anyway.
                Some more sutle points to this that I have found effective, is if an opponents city is 'culturaly pressured' from multiple cities, they defect faster, so I consentrate rush building around the oppisition's cities that form recesses into my borders. With the relegious trait, it is extremely nice the drop back to despotism for a turn or 2 so you can rush build with population instead of shields. Palace/Forgotten city placement also plays a important role, I tend to build my FP fairly early in the game and typicaly not a great distance from my Palace, this allows 2 things; fairly fast production of the FC, since corruption is not totally crippling near the Palace and that when I do move my Palace my older more developed cities don't take a huge courption hit. Palace moving is also somewhat key to this stradagy.. once the FP is in place move the Palace as near the advancing cultural front as feasable, thus keeping your new cities out of nightmare couruption and putting additional pressure on oppisition cities.

                3) A Possible Use for Priveteers?

                Stumbled across this in my last/current game and came in rather handy, granted this situation isn't that common, but this could be a handy tool in the CIV3 toolbox. One of my continential neighbors, the Aztecs, who I have/had a good relationship with and had no intention of fighting a long drawn out war with had only one supply of Saltpeter. with no saltpeter on the open market for trade this was thier only source. The deposit was on an island with one city and thier only navy was galleys. Thier city didn't have a harbor yet so it wasn't getting to thier mainland, so I had my spy...umm I mean 'tourist' visit the city and saw thay were building a harbor, I quickly built 4 Priveteers and proceeded to embark on a PEACETIME blockade of thier harbor for 30 turns or so (before a french armada of Galleons from half a world away sailed by and sunk them) this was 30 free turns for me to build up a gunpowdered military and... well... take care of the situation before it became a fair fight . Combine this with the 'cheat/bug' where you can stack other ships (ie. battleships) with the priveteer where the game allows units to attack the Priveteer's square, lets the battleship defend and no peace treadies are broken, and this becomes a viable stratagy even in late game. (although exploiting this 'bug' is up to the individual, personally I don't feel it was the way the game was intendend and will not use it unless I see the AI use it (not likely).)

                So.. any comments on any of these? Suggestions how I might improve these tactics,or reasons I should abandonded any of them cause thiere just wrong-headed
                "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


                • Hi All,

                  Vel, great posting! keep it up, I love it

                  Nero... i'm glad you found out "civilization" as I am another admirer of your work on pharaoh, I look forward to what you can do with Civ!! Do ya know any other pharaohers that are going the civ way??

                  So I've noticed that there's been a lack of discussion about technology so far... not surprising really, since there's some definate "paths" that most people like to take, but that isn't alway's the smartest thing to do. ESPECIALLY if your not the tech leader.

                  In my current regent game, i'm not doing too bad. I've just come into the modern era, and am finally pulling ahead in the tech race (I've never attempted to play regent before, in any civ game). Before that, I had a tough time keeping up to the AI in techs, and have had to continually wage war to get the techs I need. So what I've noticed is that most of the AI's usually go for the same techs... usually the same tech that human players would go for... so I got into the practice of trying to go for something "off the beaten path" that way, when the AI got a tech i wanted, I'd have something worthwhile and they'd actually trade with me, and then I could go shop the techs around, to beef up my treasury.

                  While I'm not sure if you can find out what a tech is researching anymore (I at least haven't seen a way to know), you can make a pretty fair assuption.... military civs will almost alway's go with military techs (ones that allow them to build more units) same with expansionistic. The scientifici & religious I haven't fully figured out yet. I have found that the Medicine -> sanitation path is usually not taken by any AI, and i've alway's been able to sucesssfully trade off those techs to get the more "military" techs.

                  I have to say something abougt combined arms also...

                  I love it! i've been using it since i first read about it, and I use it starting with catapults. using CA make those iffy battles alway's turn out in your favor! I've gotten to the points, where my main attack force in the industrial era is like 10 cannons/artillery with 10-20 cavalry, and some musketmen/riflemen for defense. Works like a charm! I've actually been able to "steamroll" the competition like the good old civ 1` and 2 days!!!



                  • Hey, privateers, somehow I haven't heard of them at all. thanks bblue, I'm going to have to use them myself. Thats an awesome strategy...but...the 'bug' seems a little too much. If you don't consider it cheating, go ahead, but it seems like it to me. I personally would feel guilty about it.
                    Hey, theres some fans of pharoah here? I'm a huge fan of caesar and pharoah. now they had an amazing community.
                    Last edited by Jguy; November 23, 2001, 21:24.


                    • I can not make up my mind (not enough test) on Culture. I won my first win with it as religous type. I have only won a few cities in curent game on a large map even though I have as much as all others combined. Maybe it is due to being at war for the last 400 years without a break. I am on one end and can not access the others, only one close. I make peace with one and they start in within a year or two. Funny thing is I am way ahead in score and have riflemen and they do not. They still ask for peace and want a tech? Once in a while one of them gets a few troops in my area and I kill them. My neighbors are taking the brunt as I have capture 4 cities. One other civ must have an ROP as they have sent 50 low level jag warriors and such to my captured city that over looks a narrow pass over water (this city will give me access to one more if I ever clear off the jag warriors). This city has 15 or 20 troops of Cal/rifle all vets or elite and an army of cavs, plus three cannons. They just keep coming and dying. I just do not understand how the AI figures it request for peace? I have the lead and the best units (EPIC and Tradition built) and they all want me to toss in a tech (except the one that has lost cities)? I have scored 4 leaders, but none after the EPIC? I am playing Greeks.


                      • When people post strategies I think it's important to mention the level you're playing on and other common game settings. What works for a 8 civ Regent game is completely different than what will work on a 16 civ Monarch game. I've worked my way up from getting the game. Started with domination wins on Chieftain/8 and Warlord/8, a space ship win on Regent/8, another ship win on Monarch/8, and playing as I write this, Monarch/16. And, man, M/16 is a whole different mind set from 8 civs on a lower level. Strats that work on lower level/8, just don't hold up on higher level/16.

                        I think we should have a standard short cut nomenclature for our our personal games, such as: Persia/M/16/C for Persians/Monarch/16 civs/continents game. (don't think it matters age/climate, maybe add barbarian level). Thoughts?

                        My Monarch/16 Civ Game
                        This Monarch/16 game is a dozy. Diplomacy is king. I mean, every turn you have to work diplomacy once you know everyone, or you're not taking advantage of it. There's deals to be made on every turn. Wow!

                        The long and the short: This has been an incredible game. I'm industrious & scientific Persians w/ ass-kicking Immortals that I'd won my recent M/8/C game as. I'm smack dab in the middle of my continent, Americans to my left, Zulus to my right, Babylonians to my south. They declare what amounts to a three civ alliance against me very early! I was hamstrung from the beginning in expansion plans having to defend against this. I didn't give up one city in the trifecta alliance with my counter attacking Immortals (did I mention they kick ass?) until I gave up Sidon to the Zulus. I sued for peace and gave them 2 of my 6 Dyes in the deal. I just had to do it in order to deal w/ the weaker Americans and Babs. They were by far the most powerful of the the three and I had to appease them. They would have crushed me at the time. Since then, they've been very polite--thank god. The early concession has led to supurb relations with the almightily Zulus.

                        I sued for peace finally with Amer & Babs, caught my breath, and tried to build up my empire. I fell woefully behind in tech. I pumped science up to 80-90%, straining my treasury--and got nowhere. Behind in tech and couldn't upgrade units with no $$. Behind in tech w/ no cash = you lose. I did start a war w/ Babylon, whose expansion northward I had cut, and the weakest of the 4 on this continent because they lacked iron. I tried to use the advice in randomturn's thread here, the "3 step Deity" one, and attempted to make the "weaker militarily, but stronger in tech", Babylons into my "vassal".

                        Oh, this is a highly recommenced strategy. On any level where you're behind tech to a weaker opponent, who often can't do anything to you because they lack some critical resource. Do this:

                        SQUEEZE THEM!

                        This is a situation very prevalent on the highest levels. I decided to make the Babylonians my vassals. I denied them iron in an early war. It worked to perfection, they were my b***** once I had knights descending on them. Conquer as many cities as it takes to bring at least one tech-superior race to the table and they will give up their tech advantage to sue for peace. Within the 20 turns of peace, do not provoke or your rep will be damaged. Instead try to provoke them into starting war. I did this with Babylon repeatedly, they would put their troops in my borders, I'd say move or declare war, and they'd declare war with my 15 Knights ready to wreak havoc on them. I did this until I nearly caught the leaders. Here's the trick, you must maintain a delicate balance. You want to make them JUST so powerful that they produce tech, but not so powerful that they are a threat. If beaten down too low, they produce nothing and might as well be conquered.

                        This I had to eventually do to the Babylons. They provided me with much tech before they became useless and, thus, expendable. But thanks to them, I got back in the thick of the tech race. I eventually expanded my territory while slowing squeezing the AI' s science edge to my advantage. Vassals! A key strategy!

                        The other way I caught up was abandoning the 80-90% science allotment, and going to 90% gold. A big difference, when you're dead last in tech on a 16civ map. Get the gold and buy tech on higher levels. Someone will give you a good deal. When I changed to this tactic I closed the tech gap from 4-5 to 1-2 from the leaders very shortly. Don't even try to play catch w/ the AI on higher levels, just hoard gold and wheel and deal.

                        Now on my continent in mid-Industrial and it's me, an America that's on par w/ me, and a Zulu that leads everyone. Oh, those Zulus, they're fearsome. They have in their territory--are you ready for this--10 gems, 5 wines, 6 irons, 3 dyes, 2 rubbers, and a couple of incense! But besides the Zulus, I'm right there in the tech lead. I have 100% science, because I'm generating 50 gold a turn in trade from my incessant trading. I have my railroad network in place, almost completely updated to infantry. Ready to take on the Zulus in the inevitable modern day showdown. I can't wait. I'll provide details here.

                        On Factories: If you want to win the space race, or even a modern war, you better have a lot of factories to crank out SS parts/units. Factories, Coal/Hydro/Solar/Nuclear plant, Iron Works (oh, my!), all of the production enhancing improvements need to be in a core 2-5 cities.

                        Now I've conquered the world with regularity on a Civ2-Large Map-Deity and in most of those games I never had any city produce more than 60 shields. This was because of pollution and the devastating effects of one "big bang" global warming. Also, since you suffered less from corruption in Civ2 than the punitive damages you suffer in Civ3, you need "super producers" in your core. With Iron Works I've had cities that produces upwards of 120 shields a turn.

                        Don't worry about pollution. First, it's incremental now, not all or nothing. Yeah, it sucks when your plains turn permanently to desert (no terraforming), but it's not that bad now.

                        Most of the strategies being developed on this board revolve around some kind of early conquest. You MUST have some early conquests to be successful, especially on higher levels. Whether, limited to a Strat Res, just getting a little elbow room, or genocide, there's just too many advantages to not being aggressive militarily. At least early. There's many benefits to this and one of the ancillary benefits is SWARMING SLAVES. Your slaves will works their little butts off over the millennia for you. I've never built more than a dozen workers in any game, and at the end of my wins so far on Civ3, I've always had 80+ workers, 90% slave labor. In the end game this horde clears every pollution in one turn.


                        BTW, I've written this whole thread waiting for the AI to finish between turns in a 16civ game tonight. I don't know how many of these mondo maps I can play, very slow on my year old system. Ugh! And as a software developer myself, I know performance isn't something that's likely to get cured in a patch.



                        • Originally posted by Velociryx
                          So….I watched the armies of rival civs clash in and around my border towns….everybody was violating my borders, nobody would listen to me when I’d tell them to leave, so eventually I stopped trying.
                          This is so true ... Usually the first time I ask some unit to leave my border, they say "ok", but they keep staying there (or usually crossing some part of my territory to get to some nice spot, right in the middle of my cities ;-)

                          Then the next try I want to ask them to leave, the only option I have is "leave or war", and I don't want to risk war just yet.

                          It'd be great if there was some way to make the AI that lies about leaving the borders pay (like decreasing reputation, but I don't know how to quantify it).

                          The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool happen.


                          • Originally posted by vmxa1
                            I am on one end and can not access the others, only one close. I make peace with one and they start in within a year or two. Funny thing is I am way ahead in score and have riflemen and they do not. They still ask for peace and want a tech? Once in a while one of them gets a few troops in my area and I kill them.
                            I think Soren said that the AI is more likely to sue for peace and give you favorable terms if they are on the defensive. In the situation you described, even though you are mowing down their attacking troops, you're not threatening their territory yet. So that probably explains it.
                            Firaxis - please make an updated version of Colonization! That game was the best, even if it was a little un-PC.


                            • Originally posted by eMarkM
                              I sued for peace and gave them 2 of my 6 Dyes in the deal.
                              Is there a way to trade more than one of a resource to a civ? From what I've seen, once a civ has at least one, it won't even show up as an option in the diplomacy screen. It would be cool if there was a way, because then you could truly try to play a mercantilist strategy (for example, trade for all the horses in the world, then sell them back to those without for a higher price).
                              Firaxis - please make an updated version of Colonization! That game was the best, even if it was a little un-PC.


                              • From my experience luxuries and resources will only show up in the trade screen if the other side dos NOT have access to that resource/luxury and has the appropriate tech to make use of it. So I don't think you can corner the market totally by trade.

                                However, you can trade for your/thier single access resource. Need something to trade desperately you can trade your only source of an item (assumeing the other civ don't have it) I've done this a few times when I needed a tech or some vital resource or just don't need the resource in question (ie. horses in the late game) That said I've still not managed to have an AI civ trade me thier single source, they hold on to these with a death grip although I can't really blame them but it is a valid trade option. My guess is that the AI treats thier single access resources/luxuries almost like cities in terms of trade value.
                                "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"

