Compared to Civ II, III "feels" like it has a slower tech progress, which is fine by me. You can actually use those ancient/middle age units. Such disparity like having your panzers run down musketeers simply doesn't exist, even against AI. Any civ. doing alright should not be that far behind you technologically.
Because of this slower tech progression, older wonders actually have great uses before becoming obsolete. My example is the Great Lighthouse. It's equivalent in Civ II was not important to me but in Civ III it was my 2nd wonder I made (my people were bored). With an extra space of movement for naval units and being able to safely cross the treacherous seas it was a huuuuge strategic asset in ancient/middle ages. Everyone was hugging the shores with their ships. Not me, since it allowed my ships to explore and exapand my empire in untouched islands and continents. Those new colonies/towns were safe to expand with only worrying about the barbarians occasionally and not having to contend with rival empires doing "land grab."
Now back to my new game... I'm itching to bring out my newly researched Roman Legions against my unfortunate foes
Because of this slower tech progression, older wonders actually have great uses before becoming obsolete. My example is the Great Lighthouse. It's equivalent in Civ II was not important to me but in Civ III it was my 2nd wonder I made (my people were bored). With an extra space of movement for naval units and being able to safely cross the treacherous seas it was a huuuuge strategic asset in ancient/middle ages. Everyone was hugging the shores with their ships. Not me, since it allowed my ships to explore and exapand my empire in untouched islands and continents. Those new colonies/towns were safe to expand with only worrying about the barbarians occasionally and not having to contend with rival empires doing "land grab."
Now back to my new game... I'm itching to bring out my newly researched Roman Legions against my unfortunate foes
