Hello all. i've found a rather nifty way to exploit trading. perhaps ya'll can expand on this, i've only just thought of this, and havn't tried to apply it to other things.
I'm still in the first game that i'm doing decent in, i havn't beaten the game yet. . and the AI's are staying pretty even with me, technologically. Once in a while i gain a tech ahead of them or so, but then they get other techs that i don't have and we trade. no big deal.
This time, i decided to see what they'd offer me for a tech i had and they didn't. they offered me a nice lump of gold, world maps, and. . this is the important part, 29 gold per turn (for 20 turns)
SO i thought hey thats kinda neat. lemme try it again. i went to every civ and said "hey. . what will you gimmie for this tech?" . . they ALL included gold per turn, averaging right around 20 gold per turn. now, with all that extra gold per turn, i can pump up my science rate and lower my tax rate. Might as well let the enemy civs fund my technological research right? this will of course lead to faster tech discoveries, which i can then sell again in the same fasion. it works pretty damn well.
I'm still in the first game that i'm doing decent in, i havn't beaten the game yet. . and the AI's are staying pretty even with me, technologically. Once in a while i gain a tech ahead of them or so, but then they get other techs that i don't have and we trade. no big deal.
This time, i decided to see what they'd offer me for a tech i had and they didn't. they offered me a nice lump of gold, world maps, and. . this is the important part, 29 gold per turn (for 20 turns)
SO i thought hey thats kinda neat. lemme try it again. i went to every civ and said "hey. . what will you gimmie for this tech?" . . they ALL included gold per turn, averaging right around 20 gold per turn. now, with all that extra gold per turn, i can pump up my science rate and lower my tax rate. Might as well let the enemy civs fund my technological research right? this will of course lead to faster tech discoveries, which i can then sell again in the same fasion. it works pretty damn well.
