Chieftain level, my first game.
I have 10 big cities, and borders with Egypt and Rome. Peace with Egypt, war with Rome.
One turn I see some Roman Legion near the Delphi borders and send a horseman to check what's going on there. Two turns later aproximately 20 Legions come from the right and the left of the city. I start building lots of Musketmen everywhere but when they are ready Delphi is already razed and the Legions are on a 3 squares distance from another city.
Few turns later, after my brave Fortified Suicider Hoplites are dead I get some reinfocements in the targeted city but that doesnt help. The Legions destroy the Musketmen with almost no problems, thus efectively cutting my empire into two.
Of course that the Egyptians found a great time to build a city just in the middle of the rest of my empire thus not allowing me to move troops.

Few turns later Athens is taken, 12 Legions left. Then they easily take the poorly defended small Caesaria(culturely-taken from Rome earlier) and nothing stands between them and occupying 3 more big cities with the Sistine Chapel in one of them.
At this point I decide that I made too much mistakes, quit the game and decide to start a new one on the Huge Earth map.
All this, on chieftain level.
What did I do wrong? How can you stop such invasions? And how can you discover the AI plans earlier?
