Originally posted by Dominae
On Master Zen's map, I would put #10 as #2. With a start like that, a Granary is a must, which means the Wheat tile will go to waste every three turns (4+4+4=12, but only 10 Food required to grow with a Granary). That extra Food is really useful in early growth. Food should always be prioritized early on, regardless of whether pure REX is the goal. Bonus Grasslands are fine tiles but not as good as bonus Food.
Edit: I'm wondering why Master Zen prioritized site 2 at all. It's not River-adjacent, does not have access to a bonus Food tile, and competes with the capital for Bonus Grassland tiles. It would probably be the last of the cities I build in that "ring" at ~equal distance around the capital.
On Master Zen's map, I would put #10 as #2. With a start like that, a Granary is a must, which means the Wheat tile will go to waste every three turns (4+4+4=12, but only 10 Food required to grow with a Granary). That extra Food is really useful in early growth. Food should always be prioritized early on, regardless of whether pure REX is the goal. Bonus Grasslands are fine tiles but not as good as bonus Food.
Edit: I'm wondering why Master Zen prioritized site 2 at all. It's not River-adjacent, does not have access to a bonus Food tile, and competes with the capital for Bonus Grassland tiles. It would probably be the last of the cities I build in that "ring" at ~equal distance around the capital.
Mind you if I knew I was safe at the start I'd go with the 2 quick granaries and would have instead built the #2 city at #8 instead. But you should know this is a GoW Dtrategy thread where we're all paranoid mother****ers...
The placement I outlined would be in the event of a "normal paranoia" mode. In a "heavy paranoia" mode (say 2 close neighbors) I'd build the 2 camps first and have 3 camps very quickly for a massive archer rush. (good lord, I'm sounding like Tom Ridge here...)