This is an interesting game. Me and the Babylonians are the only empires left and are virtually neck to neck with eachother. I have a relatively small beach-head area on Bab continent but the game is far from won. Bab had launched limited nuclear strikes on my continent, im still building nukes to retaliate with but I will soon. The Babs are tough, real tough to beat conventionally. Ive lost scores of tanks and aircraft attacking them. In the end we are probably going to end up nukeing eachother till Earth is a dead planet 
I'm gonna include the save here since it might be an interesting scenario to test late game warfare and do some large scale nukefest if u want
The game is on monarch diff setting.
Any feedback u may have is appreciated, good luck if u choose to play the save

I'm gonna include the save here since it might be an interesting scenario to test late game warfare and do some large scale nukefest if u want

Any feedback u may have is appreciated, good luck if u choose to play the save
