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Gonna try a Commie Game

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  • Gonna try a Commie Game

    Well... I'm going to finish off the AU OCC this evening and start a new game for the weekend and I was thinking that I'd try something new...

    I've never played communist before so I'm going to have a nice (large monarch) war monger game and restrict myself to a communist govt. and make the most of my spies, sucky as they are... Gonna start with an archer rush on my close neighbors though, to give myself a bit of a head start and will focus on razing all wonder cities I know about and can get to (unless, of course, I can hold it for myself).

    Couple questions to enhance my chances of winning...

    Would I be better off with a standard size map? Or does size matter? (hahahahha) I'm thinking I'm gonna play a militaristic/expansionist civ or would a milit/indust be better? (I love the good goody huts but fast roads are very nice for crushing purposes... but after my last escapade with a military civ and getting tons of GL, I gotta do that again!) Is there an industrious/expansionist civ anyway (don't have my manual handy) ?

    If I raze a wonder can it be built again or does everyone just get and stay POd?

    Oh yeah, can you plant a spy when you're at war with a country ('cause you can't do an embassy) and do you need an embassy to plant a spy.

    Ok, that should cover it...
    If pigs could fly we'd all have to wear helmets.
    Please don't be envious of my little girlie brain.

  • #2
    Size does matter. But for your purposes, just play on what you feel comfortable with.

    America is expan & Indust.

    Yes, you can plant spies without embassies, and when you are at war.

    When a wonder is destroyed (razing the city it was built in) it is gone for good.

    Hope this helps.

    If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


    • #3
      Mil/Ind is a great war combo - China. Superior, IMO, to Mil/Exp.

      If you're going to do a LOT of fighting, a non-militaristic civ might actually be better, since with enough battles, you will get GLs anyway (just not quite as many, but at some point it's overkill). The problem there is that non-militaristic civs aren't very good at archer rushes.

      If your plan is to archer rush, I would suggest a smaller map size. Standard or Small. Tiny is too small, IMO (too easy, probably).

      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


      • #4
        I'd say a standard map. Anything less and there should be no-one left to kill by the time communism comes round, but anything more and by the time the archers get anywhere they'll be so - last epoch.

        I regard communism as a tool for bringing up the highly-but-not-hopelessly-corrupt cities. If by that time the core cities have built everything, they can afford to divert their production to the periphery. Many players do this 'manually' under republic by spending their empire's cash on rushing improvements. The rub with communism is* the half-paced science, making it a more of a government to visit than one to live in. Good luck.

        * typo edited


        • #5
          Alright... my revised plan is to play China on a monarch standard map. Once I get to the right era I'll beeline to commie and stay there for the remainder of the game. I'm going to play mainly warmonger (but not as excessively as that very very mean total war AU which made me cry).

          I'm not too concerned with the half research aspect 'cause I'm going to be at war most of the time so the AI will also end up being commie - thus our researching will pretty much be on a par.

          And since they won't have any wonders (cause that's my goal - to raze them if I can't have them) they won't be getting that far ahead of me.

          Well, that's my plan anyway - I've never used mobilization before either, so might add that into my plans if I get a bit hung up on a particular war. Think I'll set the map to random though - wonder what would become of my plans if I got an island map? Probably still be ok since China's UU is a bit later.
          If pigs could fly we'd all have to wear helmets.
          Please don't be envious of my little girlie brain.


          • #6
            Prepare to be disappointed, unless you've got the Pyramids under your belt. Communism, in my experience, is very dissappointing. I know it's supposed to be "the warmongers government," but in my opinion, if you don't want to put up with the war weariness aspect of democracy - which shouldn't be a problem if you plan your wars coherently and maximize use of your riders and cavalry - stick with Monarchy. You'll have enough money at that point to buy whatever you need.

            Of course, it's good to try new things.

            I do hope that, at some point, Communism is changed, or modified. If you could both rush projects through forced labor AND rush with gold (just like the "Communist" countries do in real life ) then Communism would be, in my view, a lot more appealing.

            Some day they'll bring back a watered-down version of Fundamentalism. Perhaps that's what the coming "Islamic Sultanate" is all about...
            You can't fight in here! This is the WAR room!

