Inspired by OCC, I've had some success lately with building 3-4 vet archers from my first city more or less off-the-bat, and taking an enemy capital ultra-early. Obviously this is one for militaristic Civs (I was using the Celts).
You need some gold to sustain your first army, so get those roads in, but if you get the enemy capital, your unit support jumps to eight - allowing more archers to be built for the next civ's capital. These archers build fast, as by not building a settler the one city is large and turning out plenty of shields and gold.
Oscillating between capitals for a couple of rivals allowed me to ultimately get a conquest win on a tiny map (2-continent 'pangea') before 500AD, while only building one city in addition to my first. The rest were taken and not very productive, but they paid for support of a large army which the initial, uber-city could pound out.
You need some gold to sustain your first army, so get those roads in, but if you get the enemy capital, your unit support jumps to eight - allowing more archers to be built for the next civ's capital. These archers build fast, as by not building a settler the one city is large and turning out plenty of shields and gold.
Oscillating between capitals for a couple of rivals allowed me to ultimately get a conquest win on a tiny map (2-continent 'pangea') before 500AD, while only building one city in addition to my first. The rest were taken and not very productive, but they paid for support of a large army which the initial, uber-city could pound out.