Hmmm... am trying to be peaceful as Carthage in large world with 10 other nations left. Egypt snagged the last 2 wonders ahead of me by a couple turns and leads in tech, thanks to my funding of about 350gpt (which is split between Egypt and Greece as I have to buy tech from them both since I can't catch up) Someone suggested I steal the tech instead of paying for it and I thought that'd be worth trying because Egypt is so far away that I figured I could have a whack of defence put up before they arrived if they caught my spy. BUT after reading another thread here - if they're marching up with 100+ units I really don't have much chance banging out enough defences to defend my 8 cities do I? (This is my first PTW game and the first time I've ever managed to get as far as Electricity without even a single war)
Oh yeah, I have about 8 units in each city (not current/upgraded ones though) What would be reasonable numbers needed to defend if 100+ enemy show up?
Oh yeah, I have about 8 units in each city (not current/upgraded ones though) What would be reasonable numbers needed to defend if 100+ enemy show up?