Thank you. But no, I don't have a webpage. By the way, I think my "AARs" pale in comparison to some of the others (Catt, for instance).
Japan is a problem, yeah. My second city in the aforementioned game was my barracks town. It pumped vet spears & vet warriors (which were later upgraded to swords) for some time. That helped deter would-be attackers, I think - my military wasn't very weak for very long (I had one harrowing moment as Japanese archers marched across my land, then defended by regular warriors). Also, having the two nearby militarists at war with each other was a big stroke of luck. Thus, when I hit Japan, my force of ~10 horsemen, 5 swordsmen & a couple of spears sliced through them like a knife through butter. It was soooo easy. I think I lost 1 unit. Maybe 2.
I should also mention that I purposely traded luxuries to Persia for next to nothing to keep those jerks happy. The meek shall inherit the Earth.
For some reason, despite have cultural linkage on, Korea & the Mongols were replaced by Persia & Carthage. Carthage was nerfed by the major jungle they started in, but Persia is strong as hell, and China is no joke down in the far south either.
IIRC, here is what I did:
I traded Alphabet to the Zulu & Japan for Pottery + 10 gold and The Wheel + 10 gold, respectively. I think I managed to trade it to somebody else (china?) for more goodies later on.
I researched Mysticism at max right off the bat, but the damn Zulu must have gotten it from a hut, and so that was largely wasted. I was beaten to Writing too, IIRC. I forget how I got BW & IW... perhaps via trade, perhaps I researched one.
The big one, as is often the case, was polytheism. I researched it at max (twenty-some-odd turns) and then whored it around, which gave me 200+ gold, mapmaking, code of laws, and horsebackriding. Boo-yah! Then I beelined for Republic and switched to it immediately. After that I spent a long time with research off, using the GL (until I realized that Persia was rocketing ahead, and the other AIs were lagging, meaning that the GL wasn't helping me). I ended up having to scramble to research Monotheism, Theology, Engineering & Invention myself in order to get the Sistine & Leo's. I got Education from the GL & then went for Music Theory, which I later traded for... I forget... Banking? Sold printing press & demo too.
I still don't actually have a tech lead. The Persians have Physics, whereas I have Metallurgy and am siphoning off a huge gpt payment from them (85gpt, IIRC) for Demo. I figure if I hit them with 50 Cavalry before they get rifles, they will go down in approximately 5 turns.
I have 39 WE's now, 2 are elite, so that's 37 Cav. By the time my Demo for 85gpt deal with Persia runs out, I should have 50. I also just made an army with my first Leader, so I will have a 3-cav army for nutcracking.

Japan is a problem, yeah. My second city in the aforementioned game was my barracks town. It pumped vet spears & vet warriors (which were later upgraded to swords) for some time. That helped deter would-be attackers, I think - my military wasn't very weak for very long (I had one harrowing moment as Japanese archers marched across my land, then defended by regular warriors). Also, having the two nearby militarists at war with each other was a big stroke of luck. Thus, when I hit Japan, my force of ~10 horsemen, 5 swordsmen & a couple of spears sliced through them like a knife through butter. It was soooo easy. I think I lost 1 unit. Maybe 2.

I should also mention that I purposely traded luxuries to Persia for next to nothing to keep those jerks happy. The meek shall inherit the Earth.
For some reason, despite have cultural linkage on, Korea & the Mongols were replaced by Persia & Carthage. Carthage was nerfed by the major jungle they started in, but Persia is strong as hell, and China is no joke down in the far south either.
IIRC, here is what I did:
I traded Alphabet to the Zulu & Japan for Pottery + 10 gold and The Wheel + 10 gold, respectively. I think I managed to trade it to somebody else (china?) for more goodies later on.
I researched Mysticism at max right off the bat, but the damn Zulu must have gotten it from a hut, and so that was largely wasted. I was beaten to Writing too, IIRC. I forget how I got BW & IW... perhaps via trade, perhaps I researched one.
The big one, as is often the case, was polytheism. I researched it at max (twenty-some-odd turns) and then whored it around, which gave me 200+ gold, mapmaking, code of laws, and horsebackriding. Boo-yah! Then I beelined for Republic and switched to it immediately. After that I spent a long time with research off, using the GL (until I realized that Persia was rocketing ahead, and the other AIs were lagging, meaning that the GL wasn't helping me). I ended up having to scramble to research Monotheism, Theology, Engineering & Invention myself in order to get the Sistine & Leo's. I got Education from the GL & then went for Music Theory, which I later traded for... I forget... Banking? Sold printing press & demo too.
I still don't actually have a tech lead. The Persians have Physics, whereas I have Metallurgy and am siphoning off a huge gpt payment from them (85gpt, IIRC) for Demo. I figure if I hit them with 50 Cavalry before they get rifles, they will go down in approximately 5 turns.
I have 39 WE's now, 2 are elite, so that's 37 Cav. By the time my Demo for 85gpt deal with Persia runs out, I should have 50. I also just made an army with my first Leader, so I will have a 3-cav army for nutcracking.
