After playing China/Iroquois/Aztecs to death, Ive been trying all sorts of civs lately. I was surprised to find that I really liked civs such as Russia, America and other civs that arent wuite as popular. I've also noticed they have their own unique advantages that I havent noticed before.
My recent games have all been arabs. They are extremly fun to play as after you get over the fact that they are iroquois with weaker riders. In fact theyre actually more than that. I found that I have been underestimating the -10 cost all this time. Upgrade to a horsemen to ansar is 20 gold cheaper than to knights in Regent, and building an ansar in 3 turns as opposed to 4 turns during your GA is pretty neat.
I found that the low defense isnt really a downside cause your ansars dont get attacked much due to increased manuverbility. Most likely you would counter attack most of the units before they even have a chance of approaching you and return right back into the stack of doom anyway. And I find that for once elite knight defending over veteran pikemen fiasco being resolved as a little postive side to actually lowering the defense.
My recent games have all been arabs. They are extremly fun to play as after you get over the fact that they are iroquois with weaker riders. In fact theyre actually more than that. I found that I have been underestimating the -10 cost all this time. Upgrade to a horsemen to ansar is 20 gold cheaper than to knights in Regent, and building an ansar in 3 turns as opposed to 4 turns during your GA is pretty neat.
I found that the low defense isnt really a downside cause your ansars dont get attacked much due to increased manuverbility. Most likely you would counter attack most of the units before they even have a chance of approaching you and return right back into the stack of doom anyway. And I find that for once elite knight defending over veteran pikemen fiasco being resolved as a little postive side to actually lowering the defense.
