I know this has been done to death before, but I'm going to do it anyway. I've written some notes on what I think the strengths and weaknesses of each of the 24 civs are, in varying degrees of detail, focussing mainly on the ancient era. This is in no way intended to be a definitive 'this is the final analysis' kind of think, just my own personal observations, which others may well disagree with. If I've maligned your favourite civ, well, you'll be able to live with it I'm sure 
EDIT: Much of this isn't my own work, and comes from other threads and observations on this forum. None of it is credited anywhere of course
But you don't have to be a genius to suspect that the Aztec stuff is pretty much based on the 'triple threat' thread, for instance...

EDIT: Much of this isn't my own work, and comes from other threads and observations on this forum. None of it is credited anywhere of course
