This friday I will be continuing a MP game in which i have just gone industrial with a 5 tech lead. My two opponents seem to have registered my superpower status and are trading behind my back. It looks to me that the only way they can stop me from winning a space race victory is to gang up on me and take me down militarily. When the war does start, I dont see it stopping for the rest of the game.
One tactic I was thinking of was declaring war on both of them once i have gained replacable parts. The aim of this would be to damage their economys with war weariness as I will never make peace with them again. They are both in democracys, and I am a republic and I am about to own Uni Suf. I also have both sistine and Bachs due to a fantastic medievil GA (normally I wouldnt have built bachs as well, but it kept egpyt from getting his GA).
Looking at all the factors, I am in a very strong position to see off any assualt, and I can also take a hell of a lot more war weariness, and it will accumalate slower.
I had a look in the must read thread to look up war weariness, however I couldnt find anything specific. Any idea how long it will take before they start getting war weary? any comments/suggestions as to my idea?
Also does anyone know roughly the amount of time it takes to build a nuke with accelerated production on ?
One tactic I was thinking of was declaring war on both of them once i have gained replacable parts. The aim of this would be to damage their economys with war weariness as I will never make peace with them again. They are both in democracys, and I am a republic and I am about to own Uni Suf. I also have both sistine and Bachs due to a fantastic medievil GA (normally I wouldnt have built bachs as well, but it kept egpyt from getting his GA).
Looking at all the factors, I am in a very strong position to see off any assualt, and I can also take a hell of a lot more war weariness, and it will accumalate slower.
I had a look in the must read thread to look up war weariness, however I couldnt find anything specific. Any idea how long it will take before they start getting war weary? any comments/suggestions as to my idea?
Also does anyone know roughly the amount of time it takes to build a nuke with accelerated production on ?
