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...and we "liberated" 3624 gold?

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  • ...and we "liberated" 3624 gold?

    Has anyone noticed an AI behavior like this? I was playing a normal sized continents map on monarch. I was placed on a medium sized island continent with the Indians.

    I fought 2 wars with them, after the 2nd I figured I'd leave the last city, so I could extort any techs the AI thought it would be fun to trade to them. So I went to do some thea... I mean negoiating when I noticed the Indians, whom had only a single city remaining and had been fighting with me up untill about 5 turns before and had been losing cities left and right, where I hadn't gained hardly any gold at all, and now they had nearly 4000 gold in the late medieval / early industrial era.

    I believe the Indians had just picked up navigation one way or another and made contact with the other civs, since I also stole that tech from them, so is it possible the monarch AI, seeing my #1 power position and about to rid my continent of all traces of its power had the other civs just give the Indians gold? We were certainly out of the tech loop and didn't have anything better than them to trade at the start, so how did they get a hold of nearly 4000 gold in a matter of a couple turns if the other AI didn't just give it to them?

    In any case once I saw the gold, I quickly killed the last Indian city, and used the gold to upgrade both my offenseive and defensive armies all at once. To see the AI so despriately attempt attack me indirectly......and in such an inefficent manner. ^_^

  • #2
    If the Indians had just finished researching Navigation then built a seaworthy ship to reach other civilisations it could potentially make a huge sum of money. It could sell navigation (and any other tech another civ did not have) to all the other civs for a lot. It could also sell its' maps and sell contact with you.

    It is certainly possible to make 4,000 gold in a few turns from selling tech, maps and contacts. (I have never made that much that quickly although I once made about 2,000 in a single turn from such sales but at a lower difficulty level meaning the AI would have had less money to spend).

    I am 99% certain that the AI civs do not give gifts to one another ever.


    • #3
      Well we had been connected to the main continent, by the English who managed to get across an island chain using the lighthouse. I seriously doubt they had anything to offer, and in fact bet that all the tech the Indians got before the 2nd war was from foreign sources as well since they were pretty much crippled after the first.


      • #4
        Frank, I'd say the situation you describe is not uncommon. How often does one enter the industrial age unable to sell a single luxury for gpt, and all of the sudden, each one will net you 15 or more, per turn? Where does that money suddenly come from? Tech sales I assume. Nonetheless, it is undeniably there, and "all of the sudden" at that.
        You can't fight in here! This is the WAR room!

