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  • courthouses

    I build some before and never seen their effects. So they seem to be a waste of money. Can you make them worth it or are they just crappy. I looked at police station and it says reduces war weariness. Like I would care about that

  • #2
    Courthouses can be useful, even though the effects may not be immense. The problem is probably that you're building them in cities so far away from the capitol/FP that the normal corruption penalties override the courthouse's benefits. Trust me, they work.
    People want to know why I do this, why I write such gross stuff. I like to tell them that I have the heart of a small boy... and I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Stephen King


    • #3
      Courthouses + police stations + we love the king day will help many cities produce much more. Of course the size of the map matters in terms of how effective your courthouses appear. The smaller the map, the less you'll notice. Courthouses will also help cities near to the FP or Palace, this is where it's most noticible.


      • #4
        Police stations helps only in PTW or in some patch? cause it doesn't say in the civilizopedia that they reduce corruption!!


        • #5
          Police stations reducing corruption was added in one of the early patches IIRC.

          As a rule, courthouses aren't much use in highly corrupt cities, and aren't much use in cities with very low corruption. They are most useful in the ring of cities around your palace where corruption is (very roughly) 50%. The effect you see is not massive, but the combination of a courthouse, police station and 'we love the king day' can bring a city with 80-90% corruption up to about 50% efficiency, which is worth the effort.


          • #6
            Capital/FP city - no significant benefit

            Closest ring of cities - no real benefit until losing 3 or 4 shields.

            Next ring out - worth building fairly early.

            Further out than that - you will never get much from a city further than two out from the Capital/FP. A courthouse will make a difference but not much. It takes a courthouse and a police station to get any meaningful production out of such cities.
            Never give an AI an even break.


            • #7
              Courthouses are ESSENTIAL to have an efficient empire.

              I typically build them in every city except my capitol and my forbidden palace city. I later add police stations, which have the dual effect of further reducing corruption and reducing war weariness.

              Capital/FP city - no significant benefit

              Closest ring of cities - no real benefit until losing 3 or 4 shields.

              Next ring out - worth building fairly early.
              That's a pretty good guideline. However, the last part I didn't quote various QUITE A BIT depending on map size (and to a lesser extent difficulty level). I normally play on Standard maps, and I find I can get 3 or 4 rings out from my Capitol or FP and have reasonably productive cities if I have courthouses + "We Love the King Day." Throw in the Police and things get even better.

              grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

              The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


              • #8
                Commercial civs experience lower corruption which makes courthouses more efficent. With police station and WLTK-day you can have productive cities 15-20 tiles or more away from your FP/palace(on a standard map)
                Don't eat the yellow snow.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bongo
                  Commercial civs experience lower corruption which makes courthouses more efficent. With police station and WLTK-day you can have productive cities 15-20 tiles or more away from your FP/palace(on a standard map)
                  ... and even 'only' 80% corruption 35 tiles away (on a huge map).
                  The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


                  • #10
                    Sligthly OT but what kind of a computer du you use when you play on huge maps?
                    Don't eat the yellow snow.


                    • #11
                      a short question


                      I have a feeling, that when I try to reduce a corruption and build a courthouse, the effect delays a bit. I don't see immedietly a lower corruption, but it decreases in next few turns?

                      Are my feelings right?


                      • #12
                        I have the same feeling but I can't back it up with facts.
                        Don't eat the yellow snow.


                        • #13
                          Arrian, when do you build courthouses? Say you conquer a city, far far away. Which do you build first, a temple or a courthouse? Does the courthouse come before the library? Do you crank out workers until the city is size [n] THEN build a courthouse, and if so, what size is [n]?

                          I build courthouses... they definitely help... but I build them fairly late in the game (industrial era for my core and sub-core cities, modern era for the far flung possessions)
                          You can't fight in here! This is the WAR room!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by bongo
                            Sligthly OT but what kind of a computer du you use when you play on huge maps?
                            You ask ME? How do I know?

                            I believe I have a 900 Mhz 256 K RAM with a 21'' (the screen is just for Civ!).

                            Of course, it takes 1 min approx. between each turn, but the that's why kids around are fun (up to 9 p.m., that is). After that, an 'old' SF/fantasy book keeps you occupied.

                            BTW, who said 'I am but an egg?'. Since it's not Anne Mc Caffrey, is it H. Turtledove ?

                            P.S. Of course, computer speed does not improve a courthouse efficiency
                            The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


                            • #15
                              When to build a courthouse? A: when you need to...

                              WHat I do is keep track of the production in my cities. If I see that 50% of my shields and trade is going away to corruption, the courthouse is first priority. If only 10 or 20% of the production is being lost, I can wait with the courthouse and build a temple, library instead.

                              Also, if I have only 1 shield production and 9 going away to corruption, it doesnt help either. Deal with that with a FP.

                              So as you see, there is no rule.

