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  • #16
    I am not working towards a diplomatic win I just don't want everyone to make war pacts on me.
    With two peaceful civs left I make about 150 gold a turn in trades. I also try to keep them up to date as possible. I also hate getting disposed which is why I raze.


    • #17
      You might want to wipe France completely before the UN vote. That way, they won't be able to vote against you...

      Get your science News at Konquest Online!


      • #18
        Is there any penalty for complete civilisation eradication!?? (Diplomatic of course)
        Up The Millers


        • #19
          I don't think so... At least, I have not seen any in the votes I've won... !
          Get your science News at Konquest Online!


          • #20
            Aside from the standard penalties for razing cities, being at war, etc. No there isn't. But it may seem so if you have an alliance with someone against the civ you wipe out. Their attitude towards you will drop with the alliance ended.


            • #21
              Originally posted by badams52
              I don't know about that. As long as you war when someone else declares war on you, keep your trade up, give gifts, sign ROPs,
              and build the UN, I don't think it's that tough.
              I think it's tough when you try to be reasonable and they get pissed anyway. Some civs gets angry at you very fast, and for no diplomatically valid reason. i.e. you refuse their greedy offer. The stupid diplomacy-AI might even DOW you based on refusal to give them huge gifts, when they should know they get their @ss kicked. Only if it was a far more poweful civ, it would be logical.

              Ok, what I am wondering about now...
              Has this diplo-AI become more realistic in PTW ?
              (latest patch)
              My words are backed with hard coconuts.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Sava
                Only wussies win by diplomacy
                I understand it's easier just to carry a big stick around. It reminds me of one of my players in D&D. He plays a Half-Orc with tremendous strengh but not much brains
                The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps


                • #23
                  If he is a barbarian he can rage... Now, thats fun!

                  When I played AD&D, I had a Dwarven Berzerker called Thorgrimm.
                  He was completely mad, and one day he died in a berzerk frenzy.
                  Everybody knew his destiny.
                  My words are backed with hard coconuts.

