Is it just me or does the Merchant crash your system too?
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Double Your Pleasure mod: revising established Civ3 tactics
It sounds like you aren't using the most up to date version of the mod. The merhcant and freight units had to be removed because the AI just couldn't deal with them properly.
I would also like to take this moment to let you all know that we are about to release the next version of the mod to the testers within the next couple of days.
So the latest should be out to the public within the next week or so.Creator of the Double Your Pleasure Mod Check out the DyP website and join the discussion on Double Your Pleasure Mod thread at civfanatics. You can play the mod on my DYP Earth Map
or play regular Civ3 on one of my earth maps: 256x205; 180x180 Map; or 140x140.
For you modders out there I have released a version of the map with no resources. You can get that version Clean 180x180 here or Clean 140x140 here.
Well, you can always keep playing your old game until you finnish it and then move on to the next version. And in a recent email from Isak:
There is a way to avoid the beta-build screwing up other versions of the game. (this is a copy/paste from a mail i sent one of the testers a while back, so let me know if clarifications are needed :-) )
If you need to have 1.04x or 1.05x installed for Multiplayer purposes, follow this procedure:
1) In the Scenarios folder, temporarily rename the 'Double Your Pleasure with GFX.BIX' to '104_Double Your Pleasure with GFX.BIX"
2) Make a copy of the 'DYP' folder and it's contents, and rename the copied folder to 'DyP_104'.
3) Then install the full mod, up to the latest 1.10x beta files
4) Go into the scenarios folder and rename the new 'Double Your Pleasure with GFX.BIX' to '110_Double Your Pleasure with GFX.BIX' and the DyP (not DyP_104) folder to 110_DYP.
5) Open '110_Double Your Pleasure with GFX.BIX' in the editor, go to scenario|scenario properties on the menu, and in the Search Path box, delete everything and copy/paste the following line in as replacement (make sure you get all commas and semi-colons with it
..\Extras\Medieval Japan\;..\Extras\World War II\;110_DyP;Double Your Pleasure
6) Save the file and exit the editor
7) Remove "104_" from the "104_Double Your Pleasure with GFX.BIX" filename and also remove "_104" from the "DyP_104" folder. (it was a temporary change remember :-) )
now you should have the files:
Double Your Pleasure with GFX.BIX (which is the version 1.04)
110_Double Your Pleasure with GFX.BIX (which is version 1.10)
and the folders:
Whenever you use Load Scenario and load one of the above files, they should find and use the correct folder, and whenever you play a game (PBEM for example) which uses version 1.04/105x it will be able to find the right files too, as nothing has changed.
To start up a 1.10x multiplayer game, you'll need to get your opponents to set up exactly as above though. I'm afraid there are no free ridesCreator of the Double Your Pleasure Mod Check out the DyP website and join the discussion on Double Your Pleasure Mod thread at civfanatics. You can play the mod on my DYP Earth Map
or play regular Civ3 on one of my earth maps: 256x205; 180x180 Map; or 140x140.
For you modders out there I have released a version of the map with no resources. You can get that version Clean 180x180 here or Clean 140x140 here.
I have played this until 1942 AD recently, and it was quite cool.
Just had late 1800 century world war, and the Otto-AI was playing hard on me with Siphai cavalry in the beginning. Started to worry a bit, but now I got ballons and bi-planesand loads of cavalry.
Ottos chose a theocracy, and I chose fed.republic.
They seem to be immune to propaganda. Is that a hidden theocracy trait?
Now I built many sewer-systems and city size skyrocketed. So overpop-pollution is a big problem now, and will be for many years, cause ecology seem so far into the future. Got 2 or 3 turns per tech, and dozens of techs to complete first. Are there some other improvements in which can deal with overpop-pollution?My words are backed with hard coconuts.
unfortunately no. there is only one improvement flag that can affect population pollution and that flag removes it completely, so I am reluctant to give it too early.
remember that overpopulation in the cities was a major problem during the 19th century. I wish there was something I could do about that or at least slow down city growth.
Note: the latest beta build has just been released to the testers. Hopefully there won't be too many changes required and we will be able to release to the public soon.Creator of the Double Your Pleasure Mod Check out the DyP website and join the discussion on Double Your Pleasure Mod thread at civfanatics. You can play the mod on my DYP Earth Map
or play regular Civ3 on one of my earth maps: 256x205; 180x180 Map; or 140x140.
For you modders out there I have released a version of the map with no resources. You can get that version Clean 180x180 here or Clean 140x140 here.
From the historical point of view, I think Kal-el is right about overpopulation. And it's the historical relevance that makes this mod so fun. What I could do about overpopulation is to sell off those sewer system, such as I once did with the slave markets to remove unhappiness. Them too did their job for an epoch or so, and then caused a bit of trouble.It's quite fun with this political and economical and ecological planning.
My words are backed with hard coconuts.
Just played DyP for the first time... wow, there's a lot of stuff in it.So many techs I have almost no idea what to do. All I know is that I like food and I like roads, so those are generally the techs I have gone for first. I like how you see a lot of "little" cities early on, along with a few "really big" ones.
Anyways, back to playing.
Just want to use this opportunity to thank those working on this project. Those of us who have nearly exhausted the replayability of civ III due to repetitive patterns of outcomes, but like the game, will get some added enjoyment from this mod, which is fun to say the least.Illegitimi Non Carborundum
@Trip: ThanksI hope you'll give us some feedback once you've had a chance to play a few games.
@player1: Sorry, no small download available at the moment. I'm considering whether or not to compile one, once we release version 1.10x, but it's a lot of trouble (and a lot of graphics removed) and it may become entirely unplayable if too many units use the same animations, etc. so I can't give any promises - but hopefully...
The version that comes with PtW is an ok demo, but it does contain a few oddities, and even a few bugs. The real downside is that it's 6 months old, and on the DyP team, that's almost a like a thousand years.
@jsheir: Thanks too - any feedback you can give us will of course be much appreciated.
The version that comes with PtW is an ok demo, but it does contain a few oddities, and even a few bugs. The real downside is that it's 6 months old, and on the DyP team, that's almost a like a thousand years.
There are several bugs that make that old PTW version crash which you can get rid of via the editor. (Much better idea is to download the new bugfree DyP if you have internet access). To remove the bugs (and so far as I know this is all of the bugs) from the old PTW version you need to:
- delete the tank unit
- delete the biplane unit
- delete the Wall Street Wonder
- delete the East India Company wonder
- delete the bombard unit
The reason is that if any of the first four are built the game will crash due to lack of splash art (but the AI can build the East India wonder and the game will continue). Anyone can build the bombard unit but the game will crash if you try to look at the civilopedia entry for it.
Hope this helps for anyone who does not have home internet access.
Thanks, I'll get those bugs fixed and hopefully get Firaxis to use the fix in the next patch.
It's really nice how those early tanks do not obsolete cavalry.
Since cavalry is fast (move:3) and the early tanks are medium speed (move:2) and high defense, they can be used in conjunction, and with airships and bi-planes... really gives me the WW1 feeling.
NB: The steam frigate looks real cool.My words are backed with hard coconuts.
Here is a little feedback from my first game with this mod. I played Monarch level to get used to the system.
I really appreciated all the new units. By using bombardment with the longbows, you can field a relatively small attacking army and march from one city to the next with small losses. It looks like going heavy on the longbows and light on attacking units provides a successful mix.
But.....after taking a bite out of the Arabs and devouring Persia, I had dominance of the continent. Built the GL and went zero research, hurrying buildings. That created an economic powerhouse. Built the second wonder that is the later equivalent of the GL and the extra gold to rush buildings was so powerful that I am now at the point where I've built pretty much everything before cavs have been "discovered." These happiness wonders and buildings would probably make the cities content at size 40. It looks like building both the tech wonders is imbalancing, at least at Monarch level.
Still having fun, though. I'm trying for a culture win, LoL.
Posting the save here. Don't laugh at the terrain improvements in our new Persian holdings. I got lazy after it became apparent the game was out of hand and went to automated worker controls.Illegitimi Non Carborundum