Hi again,
I just thought that for a change we could use a bit of humour. After all, Civ playing is also about having fun and having a good laugh, not only temple-building and warfare. Please post your stories about funny/absurd things the AI did (or you did!).
I'll start with mine:
Invasion fleet:
On one on my typical French plays (Huge map, 9 Civs, Monarch, I was on a small continent all by myself). Everything was working fine, meaning a never fired a shot.
Then, when I just had researched Mass Production, my pal Hammourabi kindly sent me a love letter of the kind ‘Give me X or else…’. Since being a pacifist does not mean for me to drop my… well
you understand, I told him ‘go… somewhere else’. My citizens overwhelmingly supported my policy of not falling to blackmail, so we all happily went to war with the Babylonians.
Encouraged by the popular support, I used my MAR (Massive Allied Retaliation). I contacted all over Civs and for my World Map and 400-500 Gold each, everybody else went to war against the (poor) Babylonians.
That was of course the easy part. I was waiting with a bit of apprehension the arrival of the invasion fleet. My defences were a Spearman in each coastal town (with Mass Production!), plus a Warrior in my landlocked ones, no warships at all. All my coastal town were building factories/hospitals, and before they were building university/cathedral and before…. well, as you know by now, I hate building useless military units.
Then the invasion fleet appeared.
And I started to laugh. And my wife came to see what was happening. And I wanted to explain that an invasion fleet consisting of 1 Caravel and 1 Ironclad was a joke, but she just gave me a pitying look (the one you give to somebody who is playing games he should have stopped playing when he grew up, a very long time ago), so I just gave her a kiss and a goodbye. 
My War Shipyard managed to build a Destroyer (with a capital ‘D’, please), sacrifying a place of learning in the process, and he bravely sailed to meet that rusty Ironclad. I should have listened to those people who wanted to try its effectiveness first. My veteran (at least I did build a harbour in each city) destroyer (with a small ’d’) was promptly sunk by that old and rusty Ironclad.
And the invasion of our sacred motherland began. And I had to stop laughing aloud or this time my wife would have called the doctor. Babylon invaded with two… Pikemen and attacked one of my towns. My brave and lone Spearman easily defeated the invaders, got promoted to Elite, and got a medal from me. Of course, I sacked the Warfleet Chief Engineer.
That was the only shot (with a spear) my armed forces fired during the whole game.
Because, as usual, when I build a proper military I don’t get the chance to use it.
In the meantime, Babylon was happily pounced to rubble by the other 7 Civs.
I just thought that for a change we could use a bit of humour. After all, Civ playing is also about having fun and having a good laugh, not only temple-building and warfare. Please post your stories about funny/absurd things the AI did (or you did!).
I'll start with mine:
Invasion fleet:
On one on my typical French plays (Huge map, 9 Civs, Monarch, I was on a small continent all by myself). Everything was working fine, meaning a never fired a shot.
Then, when I just had researched Mass Production, my pal Hammourabi kindly sent me a love letter of the kind ‘Give me X or else…’. Since being a pacifist does not mean for me to drop my… well

Encouraged by the popular support, I used my MAR (Massive Allied Retaliation). I contacted all over Civs and for my World Map and 400-500 Gold each, everybody else went to war against the (poor) Babylonians.
That was of course the easy part. I was waiting with a bit of apprehension the arrival of the invasion fleet. My defences were a Spearman in each coastal town (with Mass Production!), plus a Warrior in my landlocked ones, no warships at all. All my coastal town were building factories/hospitals, and before they were building university/cathedral and before…. well, as you know by now, I hate building useless military units.
Then the invasion fleet appeared.

My War Shipyard managed to build a Destroyer (with a capital ‘D’, please), sacrifying a place of learning in the process, and he bravely sailed to meet that rusty Ironclad. I should have listened to those people who wanted to try its effectiveness first. My veteran (at least I did build a harbour in each city) destroyer (with a small ’d’) was promptly sunk by that old and rusty Ironclad.

That was the only shot (with a spear) my armed forces fired during the whole game.
Because, as usual, when I build a proper military I don’t get the chance to use it.
In the meantime, Babylon was happily pounced to rubble by the other 7 Civs.
