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details of turnplay mechanics

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  • details of turnplay mechanics

    Putting together some stat tables for my PtWDG team, I realized I knew very little about the order which various events take place during turns in. I spent hours looking for information here at Poly and over at CFC, but found nothing really helpful. It can be my incompetence only, so if there is anyone able to precise/explain/disprove what I have found out so far, I would be grateful.

    From what I have been able to figure out, the order is as follows:

    1) any worker actions that were to due to finish at the end of the previous turn, are actually finished and all the output figures (food, shields, gold) updated acording the new terrain output values.

    2) research status and commerce updated; the current number of beakers/gold is added to the current research project/treasury (this includes any extra beakers/gold added by the recently finished roads that did not show in the F1 screen on the previous turn - thus you can have more beakers/gold added to your project/treasury than what you might have expected based upon the previous turn statistics).

    2.5) disorder check
    - thanks, Aeson!

    3) population growth resolved; the current food surpluses are added to the accumulated food storages in your cities. Those cities hitting the full storage get an extra citizen that is automatically assigned to work a tile.

    4) production updated; the current number of unwasted shields is added to the production projects in your cities (this includes any extra shields generated by the newly born citizens assigned to work new tiles in Step 3 - thus you can have more shields added to your production than what you might have expected based upon shield outputs shown in the F1 screen at the end of the previous turn).

    4a) should the current production be a worker or a settler, they will now be created and the corresponding number of citizens removed from the city. It seems to me (but this is something I am not sure about) that any pop-decrease effects of rushed jobs are applied at this moment.

    Also, the Demographics screen obviously reflects your ranking based upon the current (read: valid at the very moment you are looking at the F11 screen) slider settings and values for your food, shield, and gold output.

    And the last bit of information I have figured out and never seen mentioned... the eye-candy population count on the city screen is determined as:

    5,000*(Pop*Pop+Pop) + 1,000*Stored_Food

    so that a city with 5 citizens and 10 food stored will have

    5,000*(5*5+5)+1,000*10=160,000 people

    Can anyone with more experience than me confirm that my findings are correct, please?

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Before 3 it checks for disorder. Also you could include a commerce check before the production I think (why the weath/production exploit works). The rest looks right, though I've never really payed much attention to the exact order of things.


    • #3
      vondrack, it all looks right to me too. Funny that you get the bonus Shields from a newly-born citizen, but not Commerce.

      Aeson, what's the Wealth/Production exploit?

      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


      • #4
        An elaboration of the "bonus" production from new citizens thing:

        Taking this effect into account is very important in the early-game, where it is not entirely obvious if it is better to emphasize production or growth. If a job finishes at the same time as the city grows, you'll usually waste a couple of Shields. So it is usually not recommended to have "Growth:2, Settler: 2" or somesuch. More careful planning is required to avoid waste. Similarly, sometimes a job will appear to require say 5 Shields to complete the turn it grows, but actually this number reduces to 4 or 3 because of the new citizen. Depending on your priorities, it is sometimes better to delay growth by assigning Laborers to Forest tiles, or (conversely) place Laborers on high-food but low-production tiles (like an unworked Grassland next to a River instead of a mined unroaded Bonus Grassland - counter-intuitive, but the right move).

        All this to say that you should be checking the actual Shield count of jobs in the early-game, instead of relying on the turns to completion figure.

        And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dominae
          Aeson, what's the Wealth/Production exploit?
          [aeson voice] Your can set cities to producing wealth, and at the first opportunity -- i.e., when a city completes a build project -- click the "Zoom to City" and then manually rotate through all city views via the arrow keys. In each city that was set to build "wealth" you can select a different build item. It seems that the wealth will already have been tallied as "accumulated" and therefore has beren credited towards your treasury, but by changing the build item you also enjoy the shield accumulation of that turn. It is essentially enjoying the benefits of a city's production accumulation twice in one turn -- once as wealth and a second time as shields towards another item. [/aeson voice]


          • #6
            Thanks Catt-with-Aeson-voice. So every city that finishes a job is placed on Wealth, then removed the next turn to get a bit of extra cash without loss of production, right? Nice exploit. I can see how this can get ridiculous entering the Industrial age.

            And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


            • #7
              I'm not sure if this trigures the exploit above, but I sometimes have cities set to wealth and when I discover the tech I hit the button to see the big picture and often convert wealth builds into the new structure or unit allows before continuing on with the turn.
              1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
              Templar Science Minister
              AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dominae
                Thanks Catt-with-Aeson-voice. So every city that finishes a job is placed on Wealth, then removed the next turn to get a bit of extra cash without loss of production, right? Nice exploit. I can see how this can get ridiculous entering the Industrial age.
                I should confess that I've never actually done it to confirm that it actually works as easily as this -- just read about it in the forums and in the "documented exploits not allowed" sorts of rules compilations for GOTM and other tourney ideas. It strikes me as an incredibly tedious way to take the enjoyment out of a game . . .



                • #9
                  [aeson voice] ... that turn... [/aeson voice]
                  Pretty good impression there, although my voice is incapable of italics.



                  I'm not sure if the commerce is tabulated before or after the research either. Anyone know?


                  • #10
                    Everybody, thanks for responding!

                    Originally posted by Aeson
                    Before 3 it checks for disorder. Also you could include a commerce check before the production I think (why the weath/production exploit works). The rest looks right, though I've never really payed much attention to the exact order of things.
                    I have edited the disorder check info into my thread starting post. Just BTW, running a sim, I have discovered a pretty strange thing I didn't know about... if your city is in disorder, it does not produce any surplus food or shield production, but it does generate beakers/gold! Wonder what kind of logic is that...?

                    Also, does anyone know what happens if the newly born citizen tips the (un)happiness balance into the disorder? In my little sim, it looked like he was always automatically made an entertainer, even though the governor was set to not manage citizen mood!?

                    Originally posted by Aeson
                    I'm not sure if the commerce is tabulated before or after the research either. Anyone know?
                    The commerce check must be done at the same time the research is updated (not really sure if it is possible to tell which one comes first - to me, it looks like it is done at the same time). Definitely before the population growth is resolved, as you will not get any beakers/gold from newly born citizens (as Dominae pointed out).

                    Would it make any difference if commerce/treasury check was done prior to or after the research update?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by vondrack
                      Also, does anyone know what happens if the newly born citizen tips the (un)happiness balance into the disorder? In my little sim, it looked like he was always automatically made an entertainer, even though the governor was set to not manage citizen mood!?
                      Sometimes the extra citizen is assigned as a Laborer (even if the city would revolt the next turn), and sometimes it becomes an Entertainer to deal with unhappiness. I've found no pattern to this yet (definitely for lack of trying). However, the new citizen will never cause a revolt the turn of growth; the city will only riot if it would have rioted without the new citizen.

                      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                      • #12
                        I used to play with the luxury slider to avoid the situation where the new citizen becomes an entertainer because I thought his production was lost otherwise.

                        However, I recently realized that's not the case. The city grows first, the new citizen works a tile, the city gets his production and commerce, and then the citizen sometimes gets converted into an entertainer.


                        • #13
                          A couple of things:
                          - I consider your first two points the last of previous turn, instead of the first of the current turn... all worker actions are resolved before the turn ends. It makes all of this a bit more logical, by letting the turn start at the disorder check.

                          - Disorder is never a problem in PTW in the same turn: you can have 2 unhappy and 3 happy citizens because of growth, but because the disorder was already checked, you still get production and food from them. You need to make sure the situation is solved before ending the turn, as the first that happens is the disorder check. This also has implications when luxuries are pillaged / stopped trading, these can lead to instant disorder, while growth can't.

                          - your pop formula is correct, and AFAIK it was never posted publicly... but I did post it a while back in the GS provate forum

                          - wealth exploit: You can't use it automatically. When a building ends, the turn is also over for that city, so the wealth exploit can only be used next turn. You can use it by having city 2 (youngest) complete a building in turn N and set it to wealth, city 1 (older) end a building in turn N+1. If city 1 asks for a new order, you can use the arrows to get to city 2, and change it from wealth to production to get both gold as production.
                          This happens because all empire things are resolved before city things happen, gold and beakers are done first, and only then each city looks what shields go to what buildings... Stil, it is a clear exploit, and not to be used in a competition.

                          - commerce / research order: My guess is that the division of commerce is done first: the amount of beakers is calculated (this is part of the commerce question), and the next thing is calculating if this was enough to get to the tech being researched. You can see this because it doesn't matter to research how you set the slider when discovering a new tech: you won't get any more beakers, beaker count = 0 when the initial turn-management is done (except with scientists). You won't get more gold either, setting the slider while discovering a new tech only influences the next turn. You can influence the city building orders, as these come later.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by alexman
                            I used to play with the luxury slider to avoid the situation where the new citizen becomes an entertainer because I thought his production was lost otherwise.

                            However, I recently realized that's not the case. The city grows first, the new citizen works a tile, the city gets his production and commerce, and then the citizen sometimes gets converted into an entertainer.
                            It can only be converted to an entertainer if you have 'Governor manages moods' setting on. Otherwise, you will be able to play one turn with a city which should be in disorder, getting all bonusses, but before you hit enter, you need to go to the city adjusting its workers, or work the lux slider to get that citizen happy. Starting with too many unhappy workers is no problem, it's ending a turn that is. (BTW, I think this has changed in PTW when compared with 1.29f, where the disorder check seemed to happen after city growth.)



                            • #15
                              Re: details of turnplay mechanics

                              Originally posted by vondrack
                              3) population growth resolved; the current food surpluses are added to the accumulated food storages in your cities. Those cities hitting the full storage get an extra citizen that is automatically assigned to work a tile.

                              4) production updated; the current number of unwasted shields is added to the production projects in your cities (this includes any extra shields generated by the newly born citizens assigned to work new tiles in Step 3 - thus you can have more shields added to your production than what you might have expected based upon shield outputs shown in the F1 screen at the end of the previous turn).

                              4a) should the current production be a worker or a settler, they will now be created and the corresponding number of citizens removed from the city. It seems to me (but this is something I am not sure about) that any pop-decrease effects of rushed jobs are applied at this moment.
                              So does this mean that if you build a Settler / Worker on the same turn you build a Granary, you get the benefit of the Granary, and are left with half the previous food?

                              Or the opposite?

                              The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                              Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.

