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Do you pillage?

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  • #16
    If a resource I want to have, or want to deny, is just inside another civs borders I may, when at war, move a settler in and plant a city right on top of that resource. I rarely do this but it is very very useful when taking the appropriate enemy city is too hard or inconvenient (such as when involved in a two front war). One must be aware of the possibility of your new town culture flipping though.

    If the resource is right on their border I am inclined to build a town right on my border and put in culture buildings to make my border expand to include that resource. No war is needed but your city is likely to be in a suboptimal situation (worth it for the resource though).

    I think this can be an alternative to pillaging as well as a good way to snaffle resources.


    • #17
      If it is a weak civ which I can easily conquor then no I don't pillage. Anyone else can and does get pillaged on a regular baises.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #18
        I dont usually pillage. But it is usually just because I don't think of it at the time But in my last game, I was fighting the arabs, and they had a source of iron. I pillaged it, and placed a few swordsmen on it. It made the rest of the war much easier, as teh Arabs archers were just impalling themselves on my swordsmen.

