OK, this is probably the most lamest tactic out which probably everybody knows but for the newbies who DoNt KnOw then if time is running out and world domination doesn't look possible, U don't have enough power to be elected secretary general and other civilisations started their spaceships ages ago and your culture is 'unimpressive' then this is the last resort tactic which works like a charm however u need to decide to do this at least 20-30 turns before comfortably, 15 and below ur really pushing it. Get ur really productive cities to build a S***L**D of ICBMS and/or nukes. and then in the 2nd last turn blow the living C*** out of the more powerful civilisations. I doubt that ure Empire will fall apart in two turns (quite possible if ur democracy though) but two turns later u will be winning and shall win the statistical victory. There simple.
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Want to win, times running out...heres what u do.
If I am going to lose, I don't really want to destroy the planet and pretend I played a "better" game than the AI.
"Statistical" victory is another way of saying "loss", IMO, at least if this is how you get your "Statistical Victory".
I'd rather Retire and start anew than spend a couple of hours so I can pretend I won, but that's just me."Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
Assuming a large enough enemy civilization with well defended cities in the modern age and plenty of MA on your side, nuking half of their cities and conquering them in one-two turns(dead or damaged defenders) can work like a charm. If before the attack you check in what cities their nukes are concentrated and focus on conquering those cities first, the retaliation will be minor.
In theory of course."Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
Originally posted by CerberusIV
If you are in that deep a hole then drop it and start a new game. You obviously got something wrong or haven't mastered that difficulty level yet.
Well, that's the way I do it. Even learned how to play a defensive war once, even though I was eventually eliminated by the dastardly Carthags.
Originally posted by Jaybe
Oh, NO. It is better to play it out, even if you lose, to better learn from the experience. You will find your future games a richer experience if you do; Sincerely.
Well, that's the way I do it. Even learned how to play a defensive war once, even though I was eventually eliminated by the dastardly Carthags.
Also, the most enjoyable games I've played have been games I finished up losing, plenty of challenge and getting fully absorbed in the game beats cruising to an easy victory. (I include those games I play for a challenge such as MOO2, Imperialism 2 etc. OTH I don't play Civ3 for a challenge though, I want a hasslefree game when I play Civ )
I was once in a dire situation. I was playing the Americans and racing India to build the spaceship, we were both down to the last componet. I was sure that India would complete the spaceship one turn before me so I nuked Delhi, signed a ROP with the Aztecs (We were both at war with India) and sacked Delhi, just before they completed the last componet, the next turn I blasted off to AC.* A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
* If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
* The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
* There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.