I usually play monarch, standard random map and 8 civs. The other day, for the first time ever I went all the way up to 16 civs on the huge world map and now I'm dominating the game early on, something I never get to do. I managed to get a huge tech lead throughout the industrial age and now most of my core cities have everything built(I'm a builder) and amazingly I have one of the strongest armies in the world just because I have nothing else to build(usually I have the weakest army). Now I find myself just itching for a war to exercise the troops when normally I'm keeping my head low and hoping nobody notices me.
The best part is, since the Middle Ages I've been able to keep research at 100% and rake in huge per turn payments for techs I've sold. Having 15 civs who want to buy my tech is beautiful. This way I can just sell a little, get a nice surplus in gold every turn and still keep a nice tech lead.
I'm just curious if other people found larger maps and more civs easier or its just something I'm doing different. It might just be my position, I started in India as the Iroquois, and now hold from Arabia and the Tigris to SE Asia and up into Tibet, with profitable little colonies in Alaska, Madagascar, Japan, Sumatra(or somewhere near there) and England.
Just curious or maybe I wanted to share my joy.
The best part is, since the Middle Ages I've been able to keep research at 100% and rake in huge per turn payments for techs I've sold. Having 15 civs who want to buy my tech is beautiful. This way I can just sell a little, get a nice surplus in gold every turn and still keep a nice tech lead.
I'm just curious if other people found larger maps and more civs easier or its just something I'm doing different. It might just be my position, I started in India as the Iroquois, and now hold from Arabia and the Tigris to SE Asia and up into Tibet, with profitable little colonies in Alaska, Madagascar, Japan, Sumatra(or somewhere near there) and England.
Just curious or maybe I wanted to share my joy.
