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Ducki went Regent... How'm I doin'?

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  • #31
    Don't we all really want to be "Evil Overlord"?
    I thought "Galactic Overlord" was a bit much.

    And no, the FP is in Pi-Rameses, I'm actually building the Palace in Veii. I was hoping for a leader in my wars, but only got 2. Veii will be my new capital.
    "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


    • #32
      Originally posted by alva848
      Ducki, I had a quick look at your

      1. No need for medicine yet, IMO you've should have gone for industrialization(factories). and you are prebuilding on several locations , so you can easily take womens suffragettes and the other wonders (even without leaders)
      This is a reasonable point, but you can make a case in eiother direction. I tend to prefer to get the hospitals first and then the factories. The reason (and it could be faulty) is that by getting a larger pop, I can make the factories sooner. A factory taking 30 turns with 12, will soon be a much less lengthy job with say 14 and larger pop. The research for ind will go a bit quicker as well.
      In short, you could do either way as far as I can tell and I have not tested the numbers to see which puts you farter down the line. I mean once the fac is up, making the hospital is faster. The difference to me is I can get a hospital up sooner.


      • #33
        Originally posted by alva848
        forget the worker suggestion , didn't spot all of them first time around.

        some other things though:
        1. you really don't need universities in a size 4 city
        2. the palace you're building is it for the FP? , because it has no market, library, ...
        3. don't use the buildcue to much, you need to evaluate and reevaluate often, until your more then strong enough.
        4. more micromanagement
        5. you really don't need all the luxuries in the world. your core cities don't gain all that much being in WLTK. But you're helping your competitors too much this way. don't spoill them too much

        I played for about 10-15 turns
        Good points. I have one issue that may just be my perspective and completely wrong, but I would not be making a palace there at all. I do not want to spent 60 or more turns with nothing coming out. All I will do is reduce corruption at one end and put it in another. Forget the corruption, I would just let those non productive cities get the min structures and then go to wealth and forget them. Stop much of the building in those border towns, all they need is a temple for now. I would not build riflemen, just upgrade the units you have and make a few more calv for the attack. Riflemen are defenders and too slow. I would get the RR connected to all cities starting with the border towns. Now you can send muskets to a city with a barracks to upgrade and cycle them back. The RR makes it quick. Do the border towns and then the coastal cities and then the rest of the cities. Now you can back fill all worked tiles. This is my style, but I am sure others ways are valid.


        • #34
          I omitted one other reason to go the medicine first route over industry. ToE.


          • #35
            Given that this is Regent and you have more slack to do things differently, I went with Medicine/ToE and was doing Rep parts. I traded in 1745 to China (I gave Medince) they gave Communism/Industry/Free Art/Music Theory. I traded Elec to India for Silk/Incense/Corp/Esp. I went back to China and traded Elec for 5 gpt and 170 gold (all they had). I had colonized the land behind Alexandria and the tip by Thebes. Thebes as it was exposed and could invite a settler. RR to all cities now and workers are off to have fun except a core group (too lazy to manage them any more). All units upgraded. Left Rome alone. I would stand pat here until someone wants war or I get my tanks. Lots of things to do now, spies, fac/hospitals and wonders. I would not mind if Greece wanted to cause trouble, but you will soon take the lead in any event and tanks will suffer less losses and get the job done sooner.
            Attached Files


            • #36
              alva848, I went the way you choose for Hospitals and put them off till much later. Going to Hoover and then will come back to sanitation. Do not want to risk Ai getting it. I think it would be safe to reverse that since ducki's cities will be producing more than the AI I am sure.


              • #37
                I am very slow today (most days), I should have noted that the choice to skip by Hospitals was allowed as no wars were in sight. Had a war been coming or actually going on, I may have moved hospitals up to get the Battle Field built.


                • #38
                  Hoover's Dam(Electronics) was the primary reason for Medicine, with ToE along the way, hopefully to finally push me "ahead" in tech.

                  I am pretty sure either India or China will follow Nationalism through to Communism which I can trade for. Same thoughts on Factories(Industry?).

                  I wasn't planning on Rifles for attacks, but to deter China/India from trying to attack me and to further humiliate Greece...Cavalry is still good for now, I think.

                  And with Thebes/Memphis churning out wonders _really_ fast, maybe I WILL leave the palace at Thebes, which would make the Palace in Veii a prebuild for ToE, I guess.

                  Thanks for the interest and help!
                  "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


                  • #39
                    Also, the Riflemen I am/will be building are to Garrison in the towns I acquire next - also, to follow my Cannon horde around, as well as backfilling my personal goal of 2 defenders per city - I'm short on a few, or have Swordsmen filling in, hehe.
                    "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


                    • #40
                      Sounds good. I stopped at 1852 with all wonders through Hoover up and a tiles RR, no wars, making tanks. Built 2 BB and have a transport so I can use tanks to make an incursion if an opportunity arises. I would now be inclined to go after Greece to take the whole land mass. The game locked up as it has a few times when I was dragging the move cursor around. Oh well, I need to fire up a Moo2 on impossible level anyway.


                      • #41
                        I meant to att it in case you wanted to see.
                        Attached Files


                        • #42
                          "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


                          • #43
                            I think he means BS(battleships)

                            IMO factories are much more important then hospitals, espacially if your going for ToE.
                            Hospitals are quit expensive and even after that, it takes awhile to get from size 12 to say 15(and from 13 to 14 will take long). If these 3extra city workers , are working on lets say: shielded grasslands that adds 9 shields(with possible extra problems: unhappiness,more polution,...)

                            on regent level maybe, but not on emperor or higher!

                            Besides the AI will get sanitation tech, which makes it easier for you(buying, or researching for it yourself).

                            Good to see that people play this game differently though , alwayss the sign of a good game , not having one supertactic
                            Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                            Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                            • #44
                              BB is the US naval designation for a battle ships.


                              • #45
                                wait till you get to monarch its alot harder
                                Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer

