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My typical game (save attached)

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  • My typical game (save attached)

    I have attached what seems to be a fairly typical progession in my games to this point. To be honest, I am pretty new to Civ3, so this save is only at the second level of difficulty, but I think it shows the main weaknesses of my style. My main concerns are as follows:

    (1) My income is always pretty low. I think my science rate is around 20% and my luxury rate is at 0%. At this level of play, this isn't too much of a problem, but it does become a problem if I go to higher levels of play. If I set either rate higher than this, I run at a deficit.

    (2) The year is 1440AD, but I am still in the medieval era, and it seems like I should be farther along than I am (maybe not from a true "historical" standpoint ...). I wonder if I am not researching properly.

    (3) From a world power standpoint, I always seem to jump out to a decent lead, but as the AI civs start warring with each other, somebody seems to come along and make a challenge in the overall score ... perhaps I should be warring more, but at the same time I don't want to lose my tech lead (gained mainly from getting the GL early).

    Any advice would be most appreciated.


    Attached Files
    "Free advice is seldom cheap"
    --- 59th rule of aquisition ----

  • #2
    ok, a couple off things.

    1. turn off governors: learn to do this yourself.
    2. more micromanagement
    3.don't build structures that are not (yet) worth it:university in a size 4 city is worthless.
    4. build more workers: you have to few roads installed.

    what I would do:

    build some more knights, wait for the cavalry tech.
    upgrade them, take out Germany and Greece.

    keep us posted
    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


    • #3
      I have not looked real close, but you are not to bad off. I would agree, more workers to get all roads needed. I saw a city with mines on most tiles, if this is a captured city, that is fine, but if you built them for a size 5, it waste workers. I agree watch the building, be sure they are useful at this time. Check cities that are not growing to see if you can get them going, that same city had no growth, just moving a citizen to an irrigated tile got it moving. Since you are strong verse all civs, I would not make many new units. You have a bunch that can be upgraded. Get the saltpetter connect to get spearmen upgraded.
      Research, I do not know how much is due to GL. I skip Printing Press, Music Theory and Democracy. I would be getting Econ for the wonder and Military Tradition for Calv ASAP. If you got some of those via the GL, fine, otherwise it is a waste of beakers. Yes, you can get by with it at this level, but it will cost you later to try for them, unless you intend to trade them for cash or techs (not my style).
      I would be inclind to join in on the attack on Russia as the jungle land may be your ticket to resources down the line that you may not otherwise get. Anyway why let someone else increase their holdings? At warlord, I would not use llux slider, it is just not needed, when cities are huge, you can have specialist as they will excess citizens anyway.

