Huge archipelago map, 80% water, 16 civs.
I am playing Japan. I am sharing an island with the Iriquois (who don't know how to use their UU), and nearby (seperated only by coastal squares) are the Indians. Both the Irisuois and I have wines, iron and horses to spare. India has dyes, 1 horse and no iron. The Indian island is close to me, so that galleys from the Iriquois have to move through my territory to get to India. We are still in the ancient era, so the only shipping trade routes allowed are in coastal squares, as I understand it. Whichever way around our island you go, you have to go through an extended region of coastal (and sea) squares owned by me to move between India and the Iriquois.
I was the last person to get map making, so by the time I did, the Indians and the Iriquois were already trading the wines and dyes between them. This is no good, 'cos I wanted to do that. So I declare war on the Iriquois (which was on the 'things to do' list anyway, obviously). My understanding of the game mechanics is that this should have broken the trade between the Indians and the Iriquois since they no longer have a viable trade route. Which would have given me the pleasure of screwing up both their reputations and also muscling in on the wines, dyes and iron trade with India. No such luck. The trade continues, until after I make peace with India and the evil swine Ghandi decides to go to war with the Iriquois instead. So I got the trade route I wanted (I had a look to see if I could trade the dyes I was importing to the Iriquois, and then import some more from India, but it wouldn't let me; if I'd had one dyes myself (that sounds like bad grammar) then I oculd have done it...)
Th reason I'd expected this to work was that the same thing had happened to me previously, in a different game. I'd been at the eond of a continent, and whichever coast I sailed along I had to go through Egyptian territory. I was trading luxuries with a civ on an island a bit further around the coast, but when Egypt declared war on me (which it did with annoying regularity) I lost the trade route, as my sea route to this other civ was now blocked. (I had the world maps of both civs before going to war to make sure that there was no route they'd found that didn't go through my territory, and when I checked the whole map later there was no coastal or sea route that didn't go through my territory).
Aside: as it happens it was a mildly amusing war, since I was only joined on to the corridor by a narrow neck of land, completely covered in jungle. This was a few patches ago, when all Egypt ever built were war chariots by the bucket-load, so their vast hordes (Egypt was a much bigger civ) were unable to do anything at all, as long as I kept the jungles clear of roads. I had to trash the occasional galley-load but that's not very many troops.
So either the sea-going trade routes don't work the way I thought they did, or there is some kind of bug in the route-finding for trade routes. Or if you don't subscribe to the 'never ascribe to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity' theory, you can scream that there is an AI cheat, and Firaxis are all evil
Sorry, don't have a save for anyone to look at (foolishly deleted it in a clean-out of my hard disk at the weekend), but does anyone have any light to shed on the trade route issue? It was a bit deflating to think that I was being really clever (I'm modest too) and then have it not work.
I am playing Japan. I am sharing an island with the Iriquois (who don't know how to use their UU), and nearby (seperated only by coastal squares) are the Indians. Both the Irisuois and I have wines, iron and horses to spare. India has dyes, 1 horse and no iron. The Indian island is close to me, so that galleys from the Iriquois have to move through my territory to get to India. We are still in the ancient era, so the only shipping trade routes allowed are in coastal squares, as I understand it. Whichever way around our island you go, you have to go through an extended region of coastal (and sea) squares owned by me to move between India and the Iriquois.
I was the last person to get map making, so by the time I did, the Indians and the Iriquois were already trading the wines and dyes between them. This is no good, 'cos I wanted to do that. So I declare war on the Iriquois (which was on the 'things to do' list anyway, obviously). My understanding of the game mechanics is that this should have broken the trade between the Indians and the Iriquois since they no longer have a viable trade route. Which would have given me the pleasure of screwing up both their reputations and also muscling in on the wines, dyes and iron trade with India. No such luck. The trade continues, until after I make peace with India and the evil swine Ghandi decides to go to war with the Iriquois instead. So I got the trade route I wanted (I had a look to see if I could trade the dyes I was importing to the Iriquois, and then import some more from India, but it wouldn't let me; if I'd had one dyes myself (that sounds like bad grammar) then I oculd have done it...)
Th reason I'd expected this to work was that the same thing had happened to me previously, in a different game. I'd been at the eond of a continent, and whichever coast I sailed along I had to go through Egyptian territory. I was trading luxuries with a civ on an island a bit further around the coast, but when Egypt declared war on me (which it did with annoying regularity) I lost the trade route, as my sea route to this other civ was now blocked. (I had the world maps of both civs before going to war to make sure that there was no route they'd found that didn't go through my territory, and when I checked the whole map later there was no coastal or sea route that didn't go through my territory).
Aside: as it happens it was a mildly amusing war, since I was only joined on to the corridor by a narrow neck of land, completely covered in jungle. This was a few patches ago, when all Egypt ever built were war chariots by the bucket-load, so their vast hordes (Egypt was a much bigger civ) were unable to do anything at all, as long as I kept the jungles clear of roads. I had to trash the occasional galley-load but that's not very many troops.
So either the sea-going trade routes don't work the way I thought they did, or there is some kind of bug in the route-finding for trade routes. Or if you don't subscribe to the 'never ascribe to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity' theory, you can scream that there is an AI cheat, and Firaxis are all evil

Sorry, don't have a save for anyone to look at (foolishly deleted it in a clean-out of my hard disk at the weekend), but does anyone have any light to shed on the trade route issue? It was a bit deflating to think that I was being really clever (I'm modest too) and then have it not work.