This thread probably belongs in the General Forum, but the regular presence of so many army experts in the Strat Fourm and the small twist in strategy that I will try and place on the question compel me to post here. 
PLaying 1.29f, Emperor, no mods, my civ is Russia. I just added a Cossak (6.4.3) to an army of 2 knights (4.3.2). See the screen shot below -- the "stats" of the army are listed as 5.3.2. Now, I've always known that an army moves only as fast as its slowest unit. I've certainly used my fair share of mixed armies on the past, and though I can't say I paid dilligent attention to army stats in the past, I always thought that a mixed army showed the stats of the "top-most" unit. The "5" attack doesn't match any unit in the army, but it does match the rounded average of the three attack values (6+4+4)/3. Similarly, the defense stat (3) matches the rounded defense average of the three defense values (4+3+3)/3.
So, my question: Is the ADM of the army purely eye candy, and when attacking, does the army have an attack value of 6 while the cossack attacks, dropping to 4 when the cossack yields to a knight? Same Q for defense stats. What are the strategic implications of the answers? (See, this does belong in the Strat Forum
Obscure Reference, in a sultry, female, faceless voice: "Well, boppers, it looks as if our ball players have struck out in the subway, and the Warriors are now headed uptown."
Edit for spelling.

PLaying 1.29f, Emperor, no mods, my civ is Russia. I just added a Cossak (6.4.3) to an army of 2 knights (4.3.2). See the screen shot below -- the "stats" of the army are listed as 5.3.2. Now, I've always known that an army moves only as fast as its slowest unit. I've certainly used my fair share of mixed armies on the past, and though I can't say I paid dilligent attention to army stats in the past, I always thought that a mixed army showed the stats of the "top-most" unit. The "5" attack doesn't match any unit in the army, but it does match the rounded average of the three attack values (6+4+4)/3. Similarly, the defense stat (3) matches the rounded defense average of the three defense values (4+3+3)/3.
So, my question: Is the ADM of the army purely eye candy, and when attacking, does the army have an attack value of 6 while the cossack attacks, dropping to 4 when the cossack yields to a knight? Same Q for defense stats. What are the strategic implications of the answers? (See, this does belong in the Strat Forum

Obscure Reference, in a sultry, female, faceless voice: "Well, boppers, it looks as if our ball players have struck out in the subway, and the Warriors are now headed uptown."

Edit for spelling.