Say my good friends, the Indians, have but one source of salt peter. Say it's isolated on a tiny island and connected to the rest of India by a port. Say India and I are allied in a war against China. Say I don't neccisarily want my good friends, the Indians, to win this war...
Can I send privateers to blockade the Indian port and prevent salt peter from being sent to the rest of India? Is there anyway that the AI will know who's responsible? The indian city has 2 water tiles adjacent to it and around 6 water tiles in its city radius. How many ships do I need to blockade and where do they need to be positioned? Do I just need to have one ship in anywere its city radius to blockade or do I need one ship on each tile adjacent to the city?

Can I send privateers to blockade the Indian port and prevent salt peter from being sent to the rest of India? Is there anyway that the AI will know who's responsible? The indian city has 2 water tiles adjacent to it and around 6 water tiles in its city radius. How many ships do I need to blockade and where do they need to be positioned? Do I just need to have one ship in anywere its city radius to blockade or do I need one ship on each tile adjacent to the city?