Just for fun, I'd thought that I'd turn off all victory conditions so that you have to win by histograph score in 2050. I've never made it completely through the tech tree because I always win well before that.
So my question is... what's the best way to boost your score? Judging from the histograph, your score depends on only four things...
(1) Happy citizens
(2) Content/specialist citizens
(3) Territory
(4) Future tech
So Wonders aren't worth anything (at least not directly)? Treasury isn't worth anything? Military units aren't worth anything? City improvements aren't worth anything (again, at least not directly)?
Assuming that you've taken over the world, should you just irrigate everything in sight in order to maximize your population? Should you sell any improvements that don't affect happiness or science (barracks, SAMs, etc) in order to minimize your maintenance costs and maximize your luxury rate? And sell all military units for the same reason? And then there's question of whether or not one should sell all science improvements since future techs are worth so little.
A game like that is probably going to be snooze fest, but I've won by every other method and I thought that I'd give it a try.
So my question is... what's the best way to boost your score? Judging from the histograph, your score depends on only four things...
(1) Happy citizens
(2) Content/specialist citizens
(3) Territory
(4) Future tech
So Wonders aren't worth anything (at least not directly)? Treasury isn't worth anything? Military units aren't worth anything? City improvements aren't worth anything (again, at least not directly)?
Assuming that you've taken over the world, should you just irrigate everything in sight in order to maximize your population? Should you sell any improvements that don't affect happiness or science (barracks, SAMs, etc) in order to minimize your maintenance costs and maximize your luxury rate? And sell all military units for the same reason? And then there's question of whether or not one should sell all science improvements since future techs are worth so little.
A game like that is probably going to be snooze fest, but I've won by every other method and I thought that I'd give it a try.