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Can the Americans Ever Win This Game?

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  • #16
    Americans own large/huge maps, unless its all islands.

    Simply put, build scouts, at least 5. These five will basically do all of your ancient era research and get you a small army of warriors. Set science to 0 and keep your people happy and the $$$ coming in. Save the money for the switch to Rep, you'll need it.

    Second, never trade your map. Once you trade it, everyone will know where to find you. Only other expansionistic civs will have decent maps until midgame.

    Unless you've modified corruption, ics wont work. You still want to expand like crazy, especially towards luxaries and resources, but not ICS.

    Get workers working, remember they are a key bonus. I usually snag an early game worker and just start roadbuilding to the nearest civ, by the time he's close, I'll have an attack group ready.


    • #17
      Build several scouts. Send them out all over the place, followed by a warrior or two when possible. Hit every goody hut you find. Kiss AI ass early if at all possible. If you are forced to war, build well balances defensive kill stacks consisting of defensive, offensive and bombardment units. Wait for the enemy to exhaust himself on you then take some cities, but do not go "a bridge too far". Build lots of roads - use interior lines defence. Try to get the great lighthouse early, if not, still build galleys & ships, sendind settlers & explorers (any unit will do) out to find colony sites. Keep expanding as much as possible, but make your homeland an impregnable hedgehog. Utilize your industrious nature to develop the hell out of your empire, trying to find choke points to defend w/ massed bombardment units, defensive troops, with fast strike forces on roads/railroads behind to "get 'em" when they weaken. Concentrate on science wonders - try to put them in one city. Newton's U., Copernicus' Observatory, & Seti in a city w/ a libray and university pump out some research. Maximize productivity. Go for the Hoover dam. You can do it, just have too think long term.
      "Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you." No they don't! They're just nerve stapled.

      i like ibble blibble


      • #18
        Can't lose

        Use Marla's Map without Aztecs. Youu cant lose. You can own North and South America before any one discovers them.


        • #19
          I usually play as Iroquois, so the Americans are generally right next to me.

          One thing I've found out about them is that they build a lot of cities quickly, but are not strong militarily until later in the game.

          If you want to play as them, then, the key would be to keep everyone happy with you until at least the middle ages. At that point, you should be able to match everyone else and win the game.

          If you start a war too early as the Americans, you're probably toast.

          -When in doubt attack. When not in doubt, attack anyways - it's more fun


          • #20
            Has any one here edited one of the defalt civs?

