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Concept of overkill

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  • Concept of overkill

    Concept of overkill

    If the next step in your research is one turn away it is possible to decrees the percentage of gold spent on research without subsequent relative decreasement of the amount of turns to the next step in research. Thus creating an extra amount of gold in your treasury.

    This effect is explained as you think of it as compensation for overkill research. I refer to the amount of lost research (79) caused by the difference between needed points for the next step (1) and actually produced in the current step (80).

    The same overkill effect applies to production. These production losses can be reduced by good production management, e.g. at a given production level in a city there is less loss if you choose to produce artillery in 2 turns in stead of a tank in 3 turns, while another city's production level produces both tank and artillery in 3 turns.

  • #2
    Yes, these are known little tricks.

    The drawback is that it requires a rather excessive amount of adjusting for these losses. The benefits are there, but they are smallish to say the least.


    • #3
      I do turn science lower each time I'm one turn from tech, and it pays for itself... some nice money.
      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


      • #4
        I turn the science rate when I am about to get a tech, get a lot of nmoney that way, but I dont every try to stop over porduction, too much micro mangement for me and the benifits dont seem all that great to be wroth the effort.
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