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advantage of republic?

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  • advantage of republic?

    I have read a lot of posts by veteran players who talk about the importance of getting to the representative government types as soon as possible. But every time I try to switch from Monarchy to Republic, things just get worse. I have unahappiness problems unless I have cathedrals, specialists, or lower my science to increase the luxuries. If I do that, then my gold and science per turn is lower than it was with monarchy. How do I need to prepare my cities to switch to republic? Should I sell off some obsolete units to reduce upkeep cost? What about the unhappiness issues?
    Thanks for the help.


  • #2
    As a rule of thumb, Republic is viable if you have three or more luxuries and marketplaces in your core cities. If you lack luxuries or have not completed marketplaces, it can be frustrating. The frustration increases on Emperor difficulty and above where only one citizen is born happy. Cathedrals are a good idea for cities with aqueducts or fresh water.

    Another thing to check is the number of units (F3) and the total gold you currently are getting each turn (F1). Under Republic a player pays for supporting each unit. If the number of units is more than half than the total gold you are bringing in, Republic will result in less gold, negating its only advantage over Monarchy. If this is the case, don't bother getting the tech. If you already have it don't bother switching. Wait until you build some more marketplaces or banks or get a bigger population base to switch.


    • #3
      Thanks BillChin! It was the effect of
      marketplaces that I was missing. I was only building marketplaces in cities that were bringing in a lot of gold, where they would most boost my income. I forgot that in Civ III marketplaces combine with luxuries to boost happiness - I was stuck in Civ II mode I guess.


      • #4
        In Civ2, marketplaces also boosted luxury income by 50%. =)


        • #5
          Adjust luxuries to 10-20%.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Zachriel
            Adjust luxuries to 10-20%.
            In most my games I played, staying in Monarchy is better then getting in Republic with luxuires of 10-20%

            But, it all depends form case to case.


            • #7
              in civ2 you cranked luxuries to 50 percent so you never really noticed the marketplace's effect.


              • #8
                Originally posted by player1
                But, it all depends form case to case.
                That is a very good point.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Zachriel
                  That is a very good point.
                  In one my more peacfull game it was OK to go in Republic with 10-20% lux.

                  But, in another one, getting Republic with luxuires was just to much costly.

                  You know it happened to me once that chaging from Despotism to Monarchy made me get NEGATIVE income.

                  I don't need to say that I had HUGE military.

                  So my usuall stratgy is to go for Monarchy, get Handing Gradens and exchage Monrachy for other ancient techs (including Republic).

                  Then, when time is right (more luxuries, some marketplaces), I swich to Republic.

