My 2 euro cents on the matter. There would be a lot of factors I think of :[list=1][*]number of national citizens of the Civ[*]ratio of the Civ's natives vs. foreign citizens[*]history of Civ "owners" of city[*]great wonders[*]proximity to Capital/FP[*]buildings in city[*]proximity to other cities (effective city radius)[*]strategic location[*]access to resources (through road/harbor/airport)[*]improvements around the city (road/irrigation/mining)[*]resources in city radius (known at the time of trade)[*]maximum possible size/production/commerce[/list=1]
More comments on the numbered items :
Every criteria I listed above should have a cost value, depending on its importance. This is AFAIK what the Computer Player (CP -- I don't like AI, because of the "I"
) does for other trades, then it "converts" that value to a gold equivalent.
Other ideas ?
More comments on the numbered items :
- 1, 2 and 3 are most important. Any Civ is willing to get back its own people, isn't it ?
- 4 : makes sense if the wonder isn't obsolete
- 5 : of course !
- 6 : a city with banks, etc. is more valuable than a city without
- 7: I don't know much about this one. I certainly wouldn't like to get a city when there are others only 2 squares away.
- 8: this is a tough one (to code, at least). Think of Gibraltar...
- 9, 10 : do you want a big city without any road around that's going to revolt and starve because of overpopulation ?
- 11 : yes, I put "at the time of trade"
- 12 : who wants a city in the middle of tundra (except for resources) ?
Every criteria I listed above should have a cost value, depending on its importance. This is AFAIK what the Computer Player (CP -- I don't like AI, because of the "I"

Other ideas ?